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Hi guys, I'm a main enchanter support and current Diamond 2 on my account.

I think Moonstone Renewer is a good item overall (stats and thematic), but the starlit grace passive need some buffs to make it better.

  1. The proc uptime is very hard to get in fights, most of times you get it a max stacks and it goes off. Because the passive is very hard to get as enchanter, is very easy to proc it as a poke support like Zyra or Brand. Which is against the proposal the target audience of the item (Yuumi, Janna, Lulu and Soraka), making it hard to use on most enchanters.
  2. The healing feels weak, I feel the item is not healing at all, so increase the base healing from 30~60 to 40~80 to make it better overall.
  3. About the proc duration and decaying:
    increase it from 5s (current) to 8s (only on shield/healing/buffs, that way poke supports can't abuse it), and make the proc decay 1 stack per second after the duration (similar to Lillia Q ms passive), to make it more easy to get the uptime as enchanter support.
  4. Also the passive lacks vfx por healing, like you can't see it healing at all, we need a VFX on the target we heal.
    Maybe something like the connection of Taric W, but a little more fast/transparent.
    Pic for reference: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z-cJULRZjYo/VwTC4CND15I/AAAAAAAA5mU/XfqFo9ijFrs5kQUFhpAufmOSExgDmt5Gw/s1600/taricw3.jpg
  5. I don't understand why is so hard to get the uptime on live server, I tested it on pbe, and I managed to keep it uptime on most fights. On live server sometimes I heal a target in combat and I don't get the proc refresh, so maybe is bugged (this is based after the hotfix).
    I have a suspicion that the proc is only working when a allied is shielded and hit a enemy, and don't working at all when you heal or buff (increase ms/as) of the target in combat, but I can't confirm yet this information.


  • Better clarity on healing effect
  • Still looks bugged on healing/shield on allies in combat
  • Increase the proc duration from 5s to 8s (only on shield/heal/buffs)
  • Adjust the proc decaying, make it similar to Lillia ms on her Q
  • Increase the healing from 30~60 to 40~80

That's all, thanks for reading and have a great day ♥

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over 4 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by DriftingKing

Good suggestions. Moonstone Renewer is still bugged as well, so they need to fix that first.

Yeah, sorry for that, the item is still bugged if the user themself is out of combat and they try to renew the buff without damaging an enemy. It should be fixed for 10.24. The original heal instance if the user is out of combat functions correctly, but renewing the buff does not if the user stays out of combat (eg. soraka standing in the back healing, but not damaging anybody) :(

over 4 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

When yuumi is attached and hasn't attacked with her q or auto'd, is she considered out of combat. Does this fix you mentioned above fix her being able to heal while attached and proc moonstone?

yeah, if the ally themself is in champion combat, the fix should fix that.