I think with a post like this people don't want to waste time reading stuff so I'm going to be quick then put the data, I'll put my thoughts on it afterwards. Below is a table showing the data collected by looking at the last 20 games played by each of the top 100 players on the EUW, NA and KR servers. I looked at the tier average for each of those 20 games and recorded the frequency split by server. I also took the amount of time each player took to play their last 20 games and averaged it to get a value for roughly how many games the top 100 players on each server are playing a day.
Europe West | North America | Korea | |
Master | 264 | 42 | 12 |
Grandmaster | 1732 | 1286 | 1189 |
Challenger | 4 | 672 | 799 |
Average Games Per Day | 4.2 | 3.45 | 3.42 |
So even to someone who doesn't know what this means I think it's fairly obvious that the numbers for Europe look very different to the relatively similar stats for Korea and North America. I think to most people on this subreddit however the table should be fairly self explanatory. The only misunderstanding I could see happening is that these numbers do not reflect the actual number of games happening. For example the 4 data points for European challenger MMR games does not equal 4 different games. In fact 3 of those data points are from the same game. Which means there are only 2 games I could find which could reasonably be called a Challenger MMR game. You can take a look at them here.
I actually tweeted some stats like this recently and one of the main counterpoints I got was "maybe because everyone is scrimming all the time in Europe there are actually just less chance for higher MMR games to happen". Even if this were true I think the disparity between EUW and the other two servers should not be this large based off just that factor alone. On top of that at least for the top 100 players we can actually see that people are on average playing more games a day in Europe than the other two servers. So If anything we should be having more higher MMR games than them, not less.
All three servers have exactly 300 Challenger players and 700 Grandmaster players which is the reason I chose to compare these three in the first place. Obviously some of the stats might change if I had spent the time to include all 300 players from each server and sampled more games however I think the sample I have taken is already large enough to prove my point.
I don't know whether Riot is deliberately using a different algorithm for matchmaking in Europe and this is the intended result or if something has gone wrong and this is completely unintentional. Unfortunately there is no way of finding out without a statement from Riot themselves. Regardless of which it is I think it's safe to say that most people would agree that the current state of Matchmaking on EUW is unacceptable.
One final point is that this problem (whatever is actually causing it) may be affecting matchmaking at all levels of soloQ. I'm just not sure how easy that would be to prove compared to showing the problems at the top end.
I don't really see any value in turning this into anymore of a wall of text than it is, I think the stats speak for themselves. If you want to see the full raw data I'll link it here. Apart from that if anyone wants to ask me anything about this or point out something I might have missed, feel free.
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