let's acknowledge that Infinity Edge swap into a mythic is a complete failure, all that it gives are stats, no passive, no active, nothing .
just 70 ad , 20% crit , 35% crit damage, and 5 ad only per mythic, it's not fun at all and unsatisfying given that it's supposed to be the ADC iconic item, I'm sure that some will say that it's designed to be like this, and it fits adc playstyle of being damage machines, well theoretically that can work, but realistically the item is not even worth a mythic slot, not even crit adcs are buying it, not even Yasuo and Yone who have double crit chance.
apart from Tristana you can look into every single adc and see their highest winrate builds with a considerable pick rate, none of them has IE as the best mythic
you can pick any random adc except Tristana and see their best performing mythic, it's never gonna be IE
jhin ? (he has crit scaling in passive and R) ...nope his best mythic is Galeforce followed by Ghostblde
Miss Fortune ? (she has crit in her Q, and R) also not ...Ghostblade
Twitch? (he always used to build it before the change) Rageblade has way higher pick rate IE not even close
what about Draven ? this might be the closest that IE can get to be the best mythic, but still Ghostblade is better by a small margin
IE needs either to be reverted to Legendary, or a complete rework with a meaningful passive or active, for example they can give it an active that amplifies all damage by 3-7% and gives 3-6% move speed until out of combat (90 sec cooldown) , or any other type of change that encourages adcs to build it.
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