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let's acknowledge that Infinity Edge swap into a mythic is a complete failure, all that it gives are stats, no passive, no active, nothing .

just 70 ad , 20% crit , 35% crit damage, and 5 ad only per mythic, it's not fun at all and unsatisfying given that it's supposed to be the ADC iconic item, I'm sure that some will say that it's designed to be like this, and it fits adc playstyle of being damage machines, well theoretically that can work, but realistically the item is not even worth a mythic slot, not even crit adcs are buying it, not even Yasuo and Yone who have double crit chance.

apart from Tristana you can look into every single adc and see their highest winrate builds with a considerable pick rate, none of them has IE as the best mythic

you can pick any random adc except Tristana and see their best performing mythic, it's never gonna be IE

jhin ? (he has crit scaling in passive and R) ...nope his best mythic is Galeforce followed by Ghostblde

Miss Fortune ? (she has crit in her Q, and R) also not ...Ghostblade

Twitch? (he always used to build it before the change) Rageblade has way higher pick rate IE not even close

what about Draven ? this might be the closest that IE can get to be the best mythic, but still Ghostblade is better by a small margin

Patch 13.11 (op.gg)

IE needs either to be reverted to Legendary, or a complete rework with a meaningful passive or active, for example they can give it an active that amplifies all damage by 3-7% and gives 3-6% move speed until out of combat (90 sec cooldown) , or any other type of change that encourages adcs to build it.

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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by VaporaDark

People buy ie when then are ahead

It's not that, you and the person you replied to are misinterpreting the stats. Guinsoo's on average for Twitch is built at 19 minutes, IE at 25 minutes. Meaning Guinsoo's is typically built as 2nd item, and IE more commonly as 3rd. The later into a build an item is, the higher its winrate will be as you are more likely to get deep into your build while ahead than while behind, so the games when you're behind don't get into 3rd item IE's stats as much as the games where you're ahead do. This is called survivorship bias. It also means that more expensive items also suffer from this, as when you're comparing a 2700 gold item vs a 3400 gold item, the 2700 gold item is more likely to have been completed in losing games than the 3400 one, meaning its winrate will be less inflated.

Every item winrate suffers from survivorship bias to a very certain extent, even first items, but you have to absolutely take it into account for 2nd and 3rd items as it makes a dramatic difference. To properly interpret Twitch's IE vs Guinsoo's winrate, you'd have to compare Guinsoo's vs IE at 2nd item, and Guinsoo's 3 item build vs IE 3 item build.

Bork into Guinsoo's on Twitch has a 54.85% winrate on 13.10, while Bork into IE has a 54.19% winrate, despite Guinsoo's costing 200 gold less meaning a less inflated winrate. At 2 items there is no question that the stats point to Guinsoo's being better.

At 3 items, the best IE winrate is Bork -> Runaan's -> IE, and this is a .8% higher winrate than Bork -> Guinsoo's -> Runaan's, but sample size is an issue for this relatively uncommon build and its true winrate may actually still be lower. FWIW Bork -> Runaan's -> Guinsoo's also has a 1% higher winrate than the IE variation, so even if we were to take all the numbers at face value that would still put Guinsoo's builds on top of IE builds.

So long story short, proper interpretation of the stats (at least to my best ability) shows IE to be worse than Guinsoo's on Twitch, not better. Saying that people buy IE when they're ahead is baseless. It could be true (and that would make its inflated winrate even worse than it looks) but we have no way to confirm it, so you shouldn't present it as a fact like that when there are other factors that explain it having a higher winrate than Guinsoo's while allegedly (and probably) being worse.

Two extra notes here:

Sample size matters. A decent rule of thumb is 10k games gives you +/- 1% win rate and anything that doesn't exceed that mold is statistically insignificant.

Also, popularity matters. On average, unpopular builds have inflated win rates because players who are smart enough to look into the shop for their items (as opposed to using rec items or Blitz or whatever) will tend to be better at their champion.

Then there's some further things like the ability for players to troll their builds. What if Hurricane is bad on IE builds but good on Rageblade? That doesn't mean IE is necessarily worse than Rageblade on a 3-item build, just means players haven't been building correctly.

Anyways, overall IE is preforming pretty well. Galeforce is still OP, especially on Yasuo/Yone and now that there's enough data on champion item builds, we can act in a more appropriate manner.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by UngodlyPain

This, galeforce just needs nerfs. Its really stupid how strong Phreak/Riot decided to overbuff it cause idiots thought IE was so strong galeforce would be unusable. The dash alone on it is strong, now it's also a NUKE of an active.

Edit: also it's probably stronger 1-3 items cause the active ain't RNG based and it gives attack speed which is huge early game for dps.

I mean to be clear this feedback was universal from almost literally everyone.

It'd be equivalent at this point to me saying, "Nah, ADC isn't actually overpowered and pros are wrong to play around bot lane right now. Maybe they'll sort it out by Worlds."

Feels like that's not a great content strategy in either the Galeforce on launch or a theoretical "don't nerf ADC" case.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Spiderbubble

Yeah honestly I don’t get why Riot is doubling down so hard on the mythic items. Just get rid of the concept already. It isn’t fun to have your champ’s viability be completely reliant on what mythics are strong.

Having everything be legendary is so much more fun. You can mix and match items way more and it allows more variety in item builds.

Outside of not allowing you to buy IE and Galeforce together how exactly does the current mythic system limit ADC item choice? Everything is stackable outside of situations where you already couldn't (IE + Rageblade = ????)

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Pale-Ad4624

It just feels bad to have every other class get an op first item(mythic) except adc, and I’m not even an adc player. It’s a little telling that every champ that can buy something other than ie is buying something else

I feel you. ADC is in a tough spot: are they the best late game champs? If so they have to be bad somewhere else. Do they get to have a good first item? Ok that means it can only be “good” and not “OP”. The alternative is they don’t outscale anyone and I’m not sure that’s allowed.