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Why can this champ be tanky as hell, and still oneshot me and my entire team?

wtf is wrong with her q hitbox?

does she use mana? and does she have cooldowns?

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by BaronDraek

Too bad, I get her almost every game, if she's banned I pick Kassadin!


I hope you step on a lego

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by kanated

Old Diana was exactly like that, but a thousand times worse. At least now there's positioning skill involved with her ult.

Dunno why suddenly people are acting like it's a new problem. Her problem right now is that she's a bruiser/assassin with enough waveclear to go mid. Just nerf her Q and make her a top laner.

Because old Diana couldn't do sh*t until level 6

almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Goibhniu_

'a hero that has to land a skillshot, go into melee range and can blow up a single target is unfair, nerf!'

'why yes i do play a hero with no mana costs, no skillshots, AOE damage, incredible wave clear, incredible healing, the ability to oneshot literally any squishy, the ability to go invincible and move, with one of the cheapest item builds in the game - how could you tell?'

Incredible waveclear? In what world lmao