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Sylas R can stun if used on Kennen however he doesn't apply Velkoz’s passive if he steals that ult. You can argue that Kennen’s ult is useless without the stun but I’d argue that Velkoz’s ult is useless if it didn’t proc his passive. Similarly, hijacked R doesn’t proc brand’s passive, which is the whole point of the ult.

And don’t get me started on ult abilities that empower basic abilities. If Sylas steals Riven’s ult he gets bonus range on his Q and W. But for some reason stealing Illaoi or Nasus’ ults don’t give Sylas any reduced cooldowns on his W or Q respectively. However stealing Vayne’s ult even gives him invisibility on Q cast.

Can Sylas’ ult be more consistent please? It feels like the most consistent part of Sylas’ ult is revealing whether an ult that empowers abilities is coded to work with an ability slot number or a specific ability name.

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10 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by arter01

I remember reading a dev blog when sylas first came out that one of the core parts of scripting his ult was that the team didn’t want to add any extra work to have it interact properly with new ults that came out. The team mentioned that they had to change a lot of stuff in the engine to make sure this was the case. Has that changed? Or is this just another case of tech debt as the software gets bigger and bigger?

tldr: tech debt.

But Sylas and Viego aren't too bad tbh. Its definitely not hitting that lofty goal of "never have to think about it again" but Sylas almost always works if you just set up the spell properly. Viego often requires a bit more work to make sure all the nuances of a kit are functional but its not too bad all things considered.

Worse examples of tech debt are probably Kled's HP, Morde R, or Ornn P.

10 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by go4ino

What makes kled HP so finicky? Surprised it would be harder to deal with than viego / sylas

The whole mount/remount this is very fragile and prone to issues especially when interacting with other systems that touch hp