All the feedback on the Tahm Kench changes, both from this sub and analysts like LS, was that they were gutting an already awful champion. Well, one day into the patch Tahm's support winrate is up by 5% and his top lane winrate is up by 4%. Despite his damage apparently being "gutted", his current winrate over game length in both mid and top shows him to be a massive lane bully that begins to fall off after laning phase.
Currently he even appears like he might be en route to becoming a top tier top laner with his playrate spiking the most in that role as people catch on to how strong he currently is there, despite all the top lane Tahm Kench players chiming in to say the changes ruined his top lane viability.
And before anyone suggests that 1 day into the patch isn't enough of a sample size; you're right! His winrate in both roles is trending upwards the further into the patch we go, so he likely hasn't even capped out his winrate for the patch!
Maybe Riot actually does know what they're doing sometimes? Meanwhile the Aatrox changes which people didn't seem to be concerned about have him at 44.5% winrate in mid and top.
Which just goes to show that while Riot isn't perfect, we're not any better and probably a lot worse to boot, so maybe we can calm down with all the hysteria and flame at every PBE change Riot makes.
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