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I love this man so much. He represents the casual player: doesn't know the names of champion's abilities, admits he doesn't understand everything about the game, is always very honest about his thoughts. I've heard people hated him in the past, but to me right now he is one of, if not the best figures at lol esports.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/endercasts - Direct link

I used to think Vedius was likeable. Then I duo'd with him.

almost 6 years ago - /u/endercasts - Direct link

Originally posted by endercasts

I used to think Vedius was likeable. Then I duo'd with him.

Jk hes the best and opened my eyes to the church of midlane nocturne

almost 6 years ago - /u/endercasts - Direct link

Originally posted by hibari112

Oh god no, please, Noc mid is my soloq nightmare (no pun intended). Especially because I've been spamming ekko this season.

Btw, you guys are doing an awesome job with LEC this season.I've never been into pro scene and always watched only hype matchups and important matches in general. But this year I keep up with everything because LEC is just so good. The cast and the players.
