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I miss tf out of dominion. To all those who don’t know what dominion is, it’s pretty much capture the flag with no rules around roles. Any team comp could potentially work and fighting was the predominant goal because you have to fight to capture/defend a point! Very fast paced and no one ever flamed(that much). It was a good starting point for people trying new champs, experienced players practicing builds, whatever. I think with RITO dropping twisted treeline you’re either funneled into summoners, aram, or whatever random game mode they haven’t changed in a couple years pops up.

Ascension was ok but killing xerath and walking around as Godzilla ran out of gas quick. TFT is TFT. Urf was cool when it first came out but ran out of gas so fast that had to make ultra URF. So there’s that. That nexus stuff was garbage. A lot of the new game modes lack replayability. And I just really miss dominion.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Dominion is my favorite game mode ever. Mostly because Rammus is bae. Rammus+Dominion gave me so much joy.

about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by Ozaiko

The rush to the top crystal was so satisfting with Rammus :'(

Also so many memories playing hide and seek on Dominion. League lacks of map and custom game so hard...

Well, hopefully one of the games we are launching soon will help fill that missing feeling.

I'm still holding out for us to make a Sonic Adventure game clone....but with Rammus.