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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by devor110

I didn't play before mythics, so I can't say for certain, but a common consensus I've heard regarding the origin of power creep has been cooldowns. Partly due to ability haste removing the previous 40% cap, partly to assassin items being frankly overloaded with it and finally due to just the straight reduction of a lot of them. An infamous example for the latter would be Leona's Q going from 12 to 5, even though that was a while ago.

Designers and the balance team are also to blame, though not singularly. Having lower CDs and higher ability uptime feels cooler, which is a factor that designers and even higher ups are aware of and increase engagement - even though it results in higher DPM and much harder survivability for anyone immobile

For reference, it takes 81 ability haste to hit the old CDR cap of 45%, which could be reached with two items and a mastery, or one item with a combination of runes and masteries.

I don't believe it's possible to get 81 ability haste in any combination of 2 items + runes.

Secondarily, I'll say that Haste is actually a good stat to provide to some classes. Many fighters, for example, functionally want ability haste like auto-attackers want attack speed. And letting them have significant amounts of ability haste is better for the game than them either being forced to oneshot you, because all they can buy is AD, or just underperforming tanks, since tanks will perform that job better.