Note: A human error is very likely in this post therefore i recommend you to check the original source on Twitter if you can. Let me know if i missed anything and i will update it.
A follow up from the previous post
Mark Yetter Tweeted the preview changes for patch 10.4.
10.4 Patch preview with tentative changes:
>>> System <<<
Bami Cinder buff
- [NEW] Immolate - Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals 6-23 +2% Bonus HP and releases a fire nova that also deals that damage around you.
Sunfire buff
- [NEW] Immolate - Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals 26-43 +5% Bonus HP and releases a fire nova that also deals that damage around you.
Cinderhulk buff
- [NEW] Immolate - Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals 12-29 +4% Bonus HP and releases a fire nova that also deals that damage around you.
Exhaust buff
- Duration: 2.5 >>> 3s
Phase Rush buff
Time window between attacks: 3 >>> 4s
Movement speed for melee: 25-40% >>> 30-50%
Hail of Blades buff
Time window between attacks: 2 >>> 3s
Cooldown: 4s out of combat >>> 8s (in or out of combat)
Legend runes nerf
- Legends stacks per minion: 5 >>> 4
Stopwatch nerf
- Gold cost: 600 >>> 650g
Perfect Timing nerf
Grants a stopwatch at 10min >>> 14 minutes reduced by 2min for each takedown
[REMOVED] Cooldown reduction on GA, Stoneplate and Zhonya
Unflinching buff
- Now properly grants 10% slow resistance per summoner spell on CD
>>> Buffs <<<
- Base damage: 45-220 >>> 55-255
Mega Gnar
- Movement Speed: 325 >>> 335
Bonus AD ratio: 20 >>> 50%
AP ratio: 50% >>> 100%
Garen (bruiser build)
- AD ratio: 40 >>> 50%
At max stacks grants Garen 10% increased bonus armor and MR
Shield 10% max HP >>> 70-170 (+20% bonus HP)
- Damage: 40-100 >>> 40-120
Base stats
Base attack speed: 0.625 >>> 0.656 (5% up)
Attack speed ratio: 0.625 >>> 0.656 (5% up)
- Udyr now gets 5% off his global cooldown (the time between which he can switch stances) per Cloud Dragon base buff
- Dash speed: 1350 >>> 1800
R stops dashes
Cooldown: 150-110 >>> 130-100
- Bonus attack speed at level 1: 10 >>> 20%
Lux Support
Damage: 70-250 >>> 80-260
Cooldown: 13-9 >>> 11-9
- Cast time on allies: 1.5 >>> 0.25s
>>> Nerfs <<<
Soraka Top
Soraka changes here for 10.4. Targets are major nerfs to top with no change for support.
Base stats
Health: 529.04 >>> 535
Health per level: 78 >>> 74
Mana: 350.8 >>> 375
Mana per level: 60 >>> 40
Attack Damage: 50.04 >>> 50
Sona Top
Q, W and E mana costs increased by 25
Q, W and E refund 30 mana if aura is granted to an ally
Can now see both guns on health bar
Calibrum mark grants 2 attack resets >>> 1 attack reset
Turret attacks 4 >>> 3
Turret damage taken from ranged attacks: 2 >>> 3
Turret damage taken from AOE spells: 2 >>> 4
- Range: 1600 >>> 1300
Base stats
Base HP: 610 >>> 580
Base armor: 37 >>> 34
Aurelion Sol
- Active star damage increas: 50% >>> 40%
>>> Jungle Pool <<<
Q heal works on monsters
Passive bleed deals 120% damage to monsters
- E deals 150% damage to monsters
- Passive works on large monsters and deals 120% damage
Energy restore works on monsters
Passive damage increased by 100% against monsters
- Passive damage increase to 150% to monsters
- Passive max damage against monsters: 15-100 >>> 25-120
- Mini Gnar W max damage to monsters: 100-300 >>> 300