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Help guys, I am currently in a dire situation. My league of legends lango has quietly infiltrated by workplace vocabulary.

Just the other day I was reviewing the code of some junior devs and ended up telling one of them that their Merge request was dogwater and would hard grief the performance of the entire app down the line.

My colleage already asked me what "inting" was because I've apparently used that word when talking to her before and I told her it's just "doing things poorly", and she said "oh okay".

Or sometimes I refer to really annoying clients as "Shaco players" when talking with fellow colleages, which doesn't really mean anything but I just had a lot of bad experiences with Shaco players in the past. No one in the group questioned about me about it but I'm nearly certain they all played league in the past so they knew exactly what I meant lol.

How do I make it stop?

I don't even play this game anymore.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Yeah man, happens to me too.

over 2 years ago - /u/spawndog - Direct link

Originally posted by Riot_Jetsetradi0

Yeah man, happens to me too.

So true. We talk about many things like this. eg. "Jungling agreements" is where some individual will temporarily work on a different team to help them with a problem

over 2 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by Guesswhat7

Being a Rioter, I would be careful calling out your peers for their 200 years experience and still hardstuck on junior knowledge.

I began one of my internal reports with “our team has over 200 years collective marketing experience”…I received mixed reactions to that report.

over 2 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by spawndog

So true. We talk about many things like this. eg. "Jungling agreements" is where some individual will temporarily work on a different team to help them with a problem

The amount of times I’ve said sh*t like “don’t worry, I’ll tank the speaking portion of the meeting”…I think my brain is broke.

over 2 years ago - /u/Cogswobble - Direct link
