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it was already like that last time and no one bothered. tanks still do more damage than most carries, while being able to survive pretty much everything for the duration of the entire round.

healing needs to be cut by at least as much as in ARAM. being forced to go Morello second item every game while already doing no damage is such an insane concept

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about 1 year ago - /u/RiotCombatCube - Direct link

Originally posted by Rickmanrich

When this sub understands that tank killers and assassins do so much damage in this mode they will stop complaining about tanks. I've been playing Gwen, vi and naafari and dunking on all these tanks.

I can win against tanks as Shaco by going on-hit instead of AP. Last game I did 90k damage, melting the 15k HP Cho'Gath with BotRK/Hellfire/Guinsoo's/Cleaver/Hydra/Kraken. I also rolled some great augments like Symphony of War, Lightning Strikes, and Thread the Needle, but several other augments would work well too like Twice Thrice, Erosion, and Deft.

(Side note: please stop banning Shaco. According to LoLalytics, he's the second most banned champion, and the eighth worst by win rate. There are much better bans! I just want to play my main!)