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Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this change?

Losing because one of your teammates goes AFK, leaves the game, or runs it down mid to feed the enemy, stinks. Not only does it feel bad, but it also alters your rank in a way that just isn't fair. That's why we may award consolation LP for players in this situation

I just played a game where my top and mid died before 5 minutes and both left lane started running it down, tried to steal jungle camps, actually dying to jungle camps and all the trolling you can think of. Totally sucked but I just figured another game where I'd report and hope that saves other players. The game ends, I report them both and get an immediate action notice and to my surprise, BOOM 20 LP REFUND.

Seriously, this actually felt really good to get a refund because my teammates decided to lose the game on purpose. Big applause to Riot for making this change, I'm very happy about this and just wanted to share with other people that also may have missed this.

EDIT: adding the full article that mentions the change https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405781372051-MMR-Rank-and-LP

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8 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

I am glad you found it helpful :)