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I was playing league of legends and saw that kalista had a 52% winrate overall, and was ranked the best ADC on u.gg. I was wondering why kalista is so good all of a sudden; she didn't get buffed this patch. Can anyone explain to me why she is good now?

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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Buffed a few times in a row. Mostly in the durability/consistency stats which contribute heavily to winrate (SoloQ games are commonly lost due to being squishy/inconsistent in early-game).

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by yeovic

next time you nerf her. Can you make slows not mess with her AS to find a better balance? and try to nerf her E dmg on large monsters.. she is a fun champ that with all the gapclosing creep isn't as op as she used to be in terms of kiting. Also, does atk move still slow her DPS down? i remember it did once.

Yeah I agree that's a pretty frustrating quirk of Kalista. I'd love to see some mechanics changes done to her but nothing to talk about yet.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by hiiplaymwmonk

I'm sorry if this has nothing to do with what you do or if it's a dumb question but has Riot considered changing Kalista's W? It's mostly useless as an active ability and pro players frequently don't bother putting a point in it even after the passive-buff

Sure we've had some thoughts about mechanics changes to Kalista to improve her QoL, nothing to talk about yet though.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by PostsDifferentThings

so, what, 2 months before shes nerfed again or...?

We'll see if she breaks any of our current balance constraints. So far so good on that front though. You can read more about some of our philosophy here:
/DEV: Champion Balance Framework