"Hey all! Patch preview for 12.10, the champ durability update.
More context in followup tweets and the patch notes themselves. The TLDR is this is a pretty disruptive patch and we'll be watching closely and ready to react.
I'd love to know what y'all think about this patch!." - https://twitter.com/RiotPhlox/status/1526359156629721088
There is additional context to this patch in that twitter thread.
>>> Champion Adjustments <<<
All Champions
- Base Health: +70
- Health/lvl: +14
- Armor/lvl: +1.2
- MR/lvl +0.8
Champion Healing
- Reduced by 10-28%
Champion Shielding
- Reduced by 10%
>>> System Adjustments <<<
Systems with Healing
- Reduced by 10-28%
Systems with Shielding
- Reduced by 10%
Grevious Wounds
- Base reduced 40% >>> 30%
- Enhanced reduced 60% >>> 50%
% Penentration Items
- Reduced by 5-10%
Turret AD
- Outer Turrets increased 152-278 >>> 167-391
- Inner Turrets increased 170-305 >>> 187-427
- Inhibitor Turrets increased 170-305 >>> 187-427
- Nexus Turrets increased 150-285 >>> 165-405
Baron Nashor
- AD increased 125+8/m >>> 150+10/m