Every game of TFT I play just reminds me more of league
Fiora is somehow the most worthless unit on my team, and the strongest unit on the other team
Khazix manages to flank the entire team and ends up in the middle of 5 people, focusing Garen
Speaking of Garen, he only has 1 ability and you can literally 1v3 with it
Karthus only exists to press R and win
Brand presses R and actually wins
My teammate randomly afk's in the middle of a fight for no reason
A flood of missing pings happen when they do afk
Minion block is still alive and very f*cking well (Special shoutout to the Carousel on this one)
Less than half the existing champs are playable
Rabadons Ludens Garen somehow makes it onto my team and we still manage to win
200 HP Draven successfully 1v1ing the full HP Vayne
Guinsoos Rageblade
Graves is worthless and still managed to get nerfed
Leona Ult WILL hit my most fed carry stunning for 8 seconds.
Gnar transforms, doubling in HP and stunning every single member of my team
Rest in peace, Aoe Sej R stun
Half my teammates will die without using a single spell
Glaucoma levels of tunnel vision
Lucian dash having no cooldown
Enemy Akali is actually useful, destroying my entire backline
Kindred ulting at full HP
Morgana dying before ult stun pops (zhonyas when)
Lulu ulti being the biggest c*ckblock in the world
Veigar R automatically executing anyone a lower level than him
Yasuo is somehow still alone 35 minutes into the game, and gets a powerspike because of it
Yasuo not using windwall
Tristana not jumping away from danger
Varus Q aka the atomic bomb
Blitzcrank pulling Garen into the middle of my whole team
And finally, one that holds a special place in my heart as a 3v3 player,
- Having to wait multiple hours in queue just to find a game