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Question for LoL veterans mostly. What were some of the changes that brought nothing but doom and gloom in the community, but then ended up improving the game in one way or another.

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over 3 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Minion pushing changes, where minions get more powerful vs other minions for the team with a lead. Hard to feel or notice, but shaved about 30 seconds off average game time, yet led to an overall increase in the number of games with comebacks - teams either won faster or lost their lead faster.

Aside: Don't know whether to be alarmed or happy about the number of these where I was one of the designers pushing for it.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by ADeadMansName

The idea was pretty good but I think not tweaking it for years made it a bit less optimal over time.

Also a problem that sadly wasn't solved over years is the minion clash timing in side vs mid lane making mid lane just way more important on top of being the most important already. It also makes mid lane roaming way more easily compared to side lane roaming.

The idea was pretty good but I think not tweaking it for years made it a bit less optimal over time.

Agree that it has likely degraded over time.

over 3 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by the_fredblubby

Why do you think it resulted in more comebacks? Surely it makes the game more snowbally, as being ahead gives you a larger advantage (hence the faster winning ofc), which to me sounds like it should decrease the number of comebacks. And once you've equalised gold diff so you're the ones getting minion buffs, at that point you've already come back anyway, shouldn't be affected by the enemy team having had better minions, right?

It is a cool feature though

It moves the minion wave towards the losing team's base, which provides more opportunities for the winning team to actually crack the base, but also means the losing team on average doesn't have to move as far out of safety to get gold, and attempting to crack the base means taking a risk.