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Thank god someone said it. Even many of the play-by-play casters try so hard to insert their own opinions for no reason.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

I'm always happy when players and fans share their opinions and feedback. It's an extremely valuable tool to develop and grow, I wanted to clarify that specifics are helpful and necessary when it comes to internalizing and discussions. I didn't think the Mithy + Soaz tweets were quite specific enough to fully dive into and would love for them and any of the pro's / coaches / orgs to actively reach out and speak with the caster team to learn and grow.

almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by Aishateeler

I'm pretty shocked at just how bad casting analysis has become from the departure of Jatt and Deficio. The sad part is that Quickshot replied to the tweet telling mithy and soaz to let them know what they're doing wrong. So the casters don't even KNOW that they've been sucking. These guys get paid full time salaries to know about the game and talk about the game. Teddy picked MF today and no one knew about the Bork build. Conqueror rhaast has been picking up steam in solo q but no one knew about it.

But the worst part is that rather than admit they don't know or don't understand they just criticize. They're really no different than redditors when it comes to how they overreact to little things. Maybe my frustrations are misplaced but I really feel like it's just wrong for a caster to make a mistake when this is their full time while I'm barely even plat and wouldn't make the mistakes they do.

At least we have casters like papasmithy who can do on the spot calculations for frostmancy and talk about the right back timings. I even like phreak calculating that Draven could 3 shot sona in the 16 min game. It's not all bad, but man when its bad, it's just frustrating to see.

Not even close to correctly understanding my intent. I clarified my goals in a stand alone comment.

To digest this feedback from Mithy, we'd prefer more specifics and examples and would love to explore and discuss in depth when more information is shared. Obviously players and teams opinions matter a lot, and I'd love to discuss their opinions and perceptions.

almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by EternalHops

Quickshot listen to the casters from minute 4 to 6 talking about top lane. Some casters need to work harder, but i am afraid that some just dont have the talent to do it.

Even this response isnt good enough. You're leaving interpretation to me and what I hear instead of telling me what you believe is wrong. If my perspective is different to yours or I focus on other points I don't understand what you're trying to point out.

I will listen back to this segment and draw my own conclusions, but it's important for me to highlight why just saying go watch, isn't good enough.