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So what you’re telling me is that we’re getting THREE League games, an FPS, and TFT mobile? Well then, I can certainly see where your resources have gone. It feels so nice to finally learn about Riot’s next projects. The preseason changes look really promising too. I really like that Jungle won’t feel like a chore and that Dragons mean more than stats.

Also, Normal URF. Hopefully with 10 bans. Can’t really say too much about that. Although I have a feeling that we’re going to see the same few champions every game (but then again that happens with ARURF).

And lastly, the Senna reveal. I loved the buildup from teasers and leaks, and now a 6-year fight has finally ended. Hopefully this comes with a Lucian and Thresh voice update.

Thanks Riot. You really went from zero to hero tonight.

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by GhostYasuo

Iam only able to spend time playing league on weekends so can you confirm that it's just logging in or are there quests? :(

It's play a game to get each reward. You'll have a month to do so though, so should still be easy to pick them all up even playing only on weekends.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


All the rewards at a rate of one per game.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by RHunterGN

Will it be any game, or Summoner's Rift specifically?

Any mode that uses matchmaking (so everything but custom games).

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Once 10 days have passed you can play all 10 games and collect all 10 rewards in one day if you really want to.