( we apologize if our English is not good, it is not our native language )
For those who do not know, several months ago LAS and LAN offices joined together to form "LATAM",
this union has generated discontent in the community which has been reflected in some post on the frontpage, for example LAS is the only region on the planet where we do not have any rioters [1] (confirmed by riot mokarran from LAN) the event of the The Latin American final had many organizational problems and a "meet and greet" was promised that never happened, bad moderation and bad player support were exposed . LAN came out losing in the world of esports [2] , several emblematic LAN casters such as skyshock were fired [3] (he confirms it himself) and professional teams such as rebirth were unfairly eliminated [4] (read comments) since then months have passed and unfortunately the situation has worsened, in this post we are going to explain the 7 main problems of our region.
1-we do not have rioters, we are an "abandoned server" with 100% impunity.
1 year ago we had dozens of community and behavior rioters: condor, excalibeer, gaussrik, etc. However, all our rioters were fired and consequently LAS is now in charge of "player support", more specifically in charge of "Achungo" (he has confirmed being the person in charge of support) [5] , the lack of rioters is a frequent issue of complaint in the forums, there is a widespread feeling that we as a region do not matter, that nobody listens to us and nobody represents us, we literally call ourselves "the abandoned server" [6]
Because we do not have behavior rioters, the complaint tickets are not reviewed , examples:
- "Tickets from a month ago without responding" [7]
-more evidence images [8]
- "Player threatens me with death and never saw the ticket" [9]
- "Riot abandons us" [10]
- "I sent a ticket 1 month ago and nobody saw it" [11]
- "Why do you have support if you do not view the complaints?" [12]
- "What about support? For days do not check anything" [13]
- "They hack me the account, they respond with 2 copypaste and close the case, 100% impunity" [14]
- "Complaint towards the support lousy attention they totally ignored me" [15]
even LAS streamers leave this in evidence, can be seen below in the complaint tweet as all their tickets are ignored being "on hold" for weeks and then "resolved" without anyone answering anything, not even a bot or a copypaste. [16]
they currently "fixed" that, now if you complain to someone for support you get a copypaste automatically and it closes, you can check the behavior forum and see post every day of people complaining that they no sanction anyone, absolutely nothing. in fact when they announced that they would make "waves of suspensions" immediately the members of the community in the comments left in evidence that the people reported are not sanctioned manually. [17] (main comments).
LAS is possibly the only server where there is 100% impunity, you can eloboost, troll, use drophacks, scripts, being racist or threaten to death with the absolute certainty that NOTHING will happen to you because support will NEVER review your account or sanction you . in fact even famous streamers and youtubers do these practices and are not sanctioned ... but we'll talk about that later.
2-the RP price in Argentina has tripled making it almost unpayable
Argentina is the only LAS country where prices are set in dollars [18] , and since the value of the Argentine peso has fallen, the RP has become unpayable, the interesting thing is that other stores such as steam have maintained prices with Argentine pesos However, riot prefers to triple the prices making the RP innaccessible to most players.
Examples and evidence of community discontent:
- it's a shame about the RP [19]
-first increase in RP (doubles) [20]
-second increase in RP (triples) [21]
-Wtf riot with the RP [22]
-priority RP price increase [23]
-the offers are to be seized (sarcasm) [24]
-Riot official video: "buy RP cash" (look at dislikes and comments) [25]
and the saddest thing of all is that they tried to hide that news .. [26]
Evidence: [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]
3-the partners program, impunity and favoritism.
half a year ago, riot contacted willyrex (famous fortnite spanish youtuber) and fargan. they gave them exclusive icons when they only played 1 game against bots, instead of selecting a latin American youtuber or streamer that has been promoting the game for years, they decide to make icons to 2 people who do not care about the game. [27] this discontent was expressed by many youtubers, among them lastpick [28] and jotalol who explicitly said " It's not fair to us" [29] due to the controversy riot decided to create the "partner program". [30]
When the partners program started one of the requirements was "good behavior", we immediately denounce a youtuber named NovaKS for making extreme racist comments (censored words) [31] , in addition to having more than 50 sanctions in the forum and being known for his toxicity. they completely ignored the report arguing that "we do not get into what happens in the clubs unless it's extreme, we do not get into personal cases" ¿what? he was never removed from the partners program nor sanctioned
after that a streamer-youtuber called "adrelina" that eloobosted live every day in front of a thousands of people, after several days finally achungo (the head of support) responds by saying "we are investigating" [32] , it was still denounced in several opportunities in the forum, [33] [34] [35] and after WEEKS finally sanctioned it and eliminated it from the partners program (when they could have done it in 3 minutes watching the stream and seeing all the clear evidences), but the The story does not end there, days later he went back to eloboost live every day [36] and continued doing it for weeks with total impunity as he knows the reality of our server. months later Adrelina was congratulated on the official twitter of LATAM causing the obvious discontent of the community .. [37] this is the reality of our region.
there is a disconnection between LAS and the community, for example when they announced the new map they delivered pieces to different creators, but they completely ignored "Halo and Ness" [38] [39] that have a 125k sub channel dedicated exclusively to the lore of the game , months later riot gave them a space in the news of the client as compensation.
in short, icons are given to youtubers of fortnite that are not interested in the game, partner to racist players and eloboosters with absolute impunity, but small youtubers that try to contribute to the community are completely ignored, for example this youtuber abstinencio fulfilled with All the requirements and his work is impressive but he was arbitrarily ignored from the partners program.
Evidence: [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39]
4-the controversy of the "tournaments"
4 months ago riot announced that the tournament system would change, before any person or organization could organize a tournament and riot supported with a minimum amount of RP, but suddenly they decided that "from now on, only 7 communities can make tournaments and they can only do 3 per week "in addition to putting a maximum of RP that you can earn a month in tournaments, this generated a lot of discontent and rejection from the community [40] just seeing the comments of the official announcement we can see several administrators of communities that had spent years investing in our region as league of noa for example, criticizing the measure, saying that it is not fair that riot abandon them in that way, it was also criticized a lot that one of the selected communities "lolstreaming" has a history of fraudulent tournaments and re-sale of RP [40]
but the story does not end there, several people began to see "strange" things in this new change, for example within the " 7 best communities " was selected " reset gaming ", a page with 18 Facebook likes, that absolutely nobody knows and that currently has 52 likes. riot stops supporting communities with thousands of followers who have spent years investing in the community, but support a new page that nobody knows [41] when the community asked riot what was the explanation for this, the response was "we selected the communities that had the best record " [42] , however researching into the" reset gaming "page we found a tremendous list of tournaments with 0 attendees, basically this page exploited the tournament system to get free RP with accounts that only they managed, We can even read comments from people who tried to participate in those tournaments in the old fanpage claiming that the tournaments were "fixed" [43] . Riot is fully aware of this and is not interested in fixing it.
but the worst of this situation is what the community called "the mafia of tournaments" [44]
After these 7 communities were announced as the only exclusive pages with RP support for tournaments, a page called torneos.gg appeared , where they sought to monopolize the access of the tournaments and the creation of a crypto called "ggcoins" , which it can be exchanged and traded by tournament players to win prizes and then re-sell the PR. in other words they were looking for a way to monopolize, exploit and monetize the tournament system. immediately riot mokarran (from LAN) replied saying that they would stop supporting torneos.gg page, but it is surprising that something like this would be overlooked in the first place.
Evidence: [40] [41] [42] [43] [44]
5-the controversy of cocacola bubbles
about 5 months ago the "coca cola bubbles" promotion was advertised [45] using the famous icata influencer where players were encouraged to buy coca cola and collect bottle caps to then exchange them for RP, the reason why I can not Link the original video is because everything related to the promotion was inexplicably eliminated along with all the tweets and facebook posts.
this was immediately noticed by the community, people began to complain massively on the official facebook page of cocacola (read comments) [46] in addition to creating various posts in the forum asking for an explanation to riot [47] [48] [49] , finally people began to organize to make a collective lawsuit against riot games and cocacola for misleading advertising so the company was forced to give an answer [50] "you can request your prizes on November 30", finally they made another video promoting cocacola bubbles but it turns out that the promotion now is " subject to availability ", it was supposed to last for 1 month but the prizes were sold out in a week so a lot of people could not exchange their prizes and started to to complain in the comments [51] the worst of all is that riot has never given any explanation to this since we do not have any rioters.
Evidence: [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51]
6-paraguay, uruguay and peru are countries that nobody listens
Every month there are people from Paraguay in the forum complaining that they have high ping, examples:
-Lol unplayable in Paraguay [52]
-lol unplayable in Paraguay [53]
-Can they fix this F thing? [54]
-90 constant ping 1 month ago in Paraguay a shame [55]
-unplayable with the ping of Paraguay [56]
-200ms constant since 2 weeks ago in Paraguay [57]
the vast majority of the people of Paraguay have accounts in brazil and in the, half play full time in brazil and the other half play in the when they can and when there is too much lag (which lasts for months, they play in brazil)
The same happens with Peru, although supposedly peru geographically should have a lower ping in LAS, the vast majority of Peruvian players play in LAN due to the very high ping they usually have in LAS for weeks, even players have asked riot to please activate free LAN transfer for Peruvian players, examples in the forum:
-help the Peruvians to leave the server [58]
-2 weeks with high ping in Peru [59]
-Increase ping in Peru ¿can some rioter respond please? [60]
- Anyone else has lag in Peru? [61]
-We have lag in Peru and Bolivia [62]
-lag in Peru [63]
Uruguay does not usually have ping problems, but it is usually ignored in other aspects, for example the Uruguayan national league was not thought to be sustainable, the prizes are phones instead of money [64] which forces the teams to re-sell the phones if they want to pay administrative expenses, coach, etc. They must pay for themselves the shirt of the team where they are not allowed to have other sponsors related to computing, this was exposed by a Uruguayan professional team in the forum and there was no response from riot or any improvement in this regard. [65]
Finally we would like to mention that recently Riot has updated the prices of RP and Uruguay has had an increase of 40% (the largest of all countries in the world), the reason for this excessive increase is a new tax from Uruguay, the problem is According to several users comments, law 19,535 says that a foreign company that delivers a service must pay the tax without charging the cost to consumers (which clearly LAS is not fulfilling), I am not a lawyer or judge so I can not Know if this is "legally accurate", but it is something worth mentioning. [66]
Evidence: [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66]
7-Abuse of power, censorship, lack of professionalism and negligence
If you read everything at this point you are surely asking yourself ¿did someone really take the time and effort to collect all this evidence? This post is a work of several people, about 1 year ago we founded a group of volunteers in LAS called "Filantropos" (philanthropists) with the aim of helping the community and raise awareness about the importance of charity streams in our region. in this document [67] you can see evidence of everything we have achieved, our projects and our members, but to summarize:
- We created LAS's first charity stream raising 600 dollars for children in Africa
- We inspire great streamers to make charity streams , such as necko, coscu, frankkaster, etc.
- we support physical charity events for children with cancer (popurrifest)
-We have given about 70k RP from our pocket, which has been used to reward outstanding users of the forum, artists, writers, youtubers, streamers, creators of guides and forum contributions, compensations to the community, etc.
- We have created more than 150 "mains clubs " and clubs to help new players
-the professional coach Nimte (one of our founding members) created the first esports shop in our region where 10% of sales go directly to charity.
-Ezequiel (another of our founding members) managed to create the first esports team officially supported by a football team, Argentine juniors, he is currently the CEO and has committed to doing charity along with his players when the team reaches the Latin American league .
-and many other things
Why do we mention all this? because the people in charge of LAS resent our help and treat us badly harassing and censoring us, it's a long story but to summarize it the creator of our volunteers group is "Manuel Alcayaga", it all started 1 year ago when an ex-rioter called riotdwarf told him "wanna be robin hood" in a sarcastic way to Manuel [68]
-When we made a complaint in the forum they censured us, but allow other complaints without problem [70]
-when we want to give away skins at Christmas they censor us, but allow other giveaways without problems [72]
-When we published the news of "Top Riot Executive Suspended" they censored the news just to annoy us, we re-uploaded it and everyone in the comments repudiated the censorship. [73]
When we review the source code of the forum (public information) to check who is the moderator who censored us, we could verify that it was achungo. [74]
when "Manuel" has tried to contact support to get some kind of dialogue or explanation, they always treat him like trash, for example when the complaint occurred he told her in a very bad way: "now things are done as I say, it does not matter if old rioters like riot excalibeer did things differently, I do not want to listen to or give anything, and if you disagree that's not a problem for me " [75]
when Manuel asked why they only censor our complaints but allow other complaints, the response was "we are not interested in responding, we have nothing to add" [70]
all these cases of censorship have been repudiated and criticized by the community on many occasions [76] [77]
Another example is when Manuel requested the information of his account (which should take 30 days) they gave it to him after 112 days being the ticket with the greatest delay registered. [78]
but the most absurd example, is when Manuel received a chat restriction of 10 games for defending a player who was being harassed by 2 toxics, he said in the chat to the toxics "if you do not have tolerance to frustration you should play fortnite", without saying any insult or anything remotely toxic, even the report bot said that it was reported by only 4 people in its last 20 games, (a clear false positive) . when he went to support to have the chat restriction removed they ignored absolutely everything mentioned above, they took everything out of context and they answered him 15 times with a copypaste telling him that "recommend fortnite is toxic" (no, this is not a joke)
Manuel exposed the case in the forum getting 99% of community support, 213 likes, +200 comments of support and 17k views. [79] Several people in the comments claim that the bias, personal resentment and bullying they have against Manuel and his group of volunteers are too noticeable. the way they treated him was so disrespectful and the sanction is so absurd (possibly the most absurd in league history) that even people started making parody videos and memes [80] [81] . The most funny of all this is that Manuel was statistically the most honorable player of the server in the old honor system, he kept 2 honor ribbons "honorable opponentl and great leader" for 2 years without ever losing them, he even wrote a guide on how to be a honorable player [82] ¿and what did Riot do? ¿Did they accept the error? no, achungo (who had not said anything in the whole ticket) appears suddenly and bans manuel from support [83]
the people in charge of our region are not interested in listening to us, they are not interested in listening to whole countries, they are not interested in fixing the 100% impunity of our server, they are not interested in 99% of the community saying that a sanction is unfair, they are not interested in fixing absolutely anything, we have no rioters in our region, no one can supervise to stop these abuses of power.
Evidence: [67] [68]
ALL claims are linked with the evidence, [83] in total. (Spanish version of the post)
If you need more evidence, context or translations, feel free to request it in the comments.
riot mokarran has responded to our post we try to answer the comment but reddit automatically deletes our answer so we put it here as an image ( I can not put the text here because it exceeded the character limit)