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Our next two projects are Janna and Ahri early in the year, two previously popular champions who have fallen out of favor lately.
I'm not a big fan of this reasoning. I don't think Riot should change champions exclusively to make them more popular. If there are other reasons, sure, but increasing popularity only winds up hurting champion mains in the longrun. It's not like either of them are super unpopular either.
The cycle of reworks -> the champion becoming meta so you can't play them as much -> overnerfs that leave the champ worse than they were originally isn't an enjoyable one if you main a champion.
I don't think Riot should change champions exclusively to make them more popular.
I agree with this statement. It's hard to get much nuance into a blog post with this many topics.
In the case of Ahri and Janna, we're working on them because we believe that players who they have previously resonated with aren't enjoying them as much anymore. The goal is make them feel fun and well-supported. We do expect that if we succeed with this work, they'll be more popular, but that's a secondary effect.
I do want to be careful talking about concepts like who champions ought to resonate with - there are a lot of confounding factors and in Janna's case survivor bias is a real concern - she has lost approximately 50% of her pick rate since we pushed her lane phase so hard towards repeatable point-and-click harass, which implies that a lot of people who previously enjoyed Janna were hurt by those changes, but certainly some (most?) of her current players do like that playstyle.