Riot Jag Tweeted the upcoming mobility changes for patch 11.13
The 11.13 Mobility changes we've been talking about should hit PBE tomorrow, and so we wanted to share out the changelist.
We took each item's win rates into account when making this evaluation, and so some of these are buffs, some are nerfs, and some are power neutral.
Either way we plan on following up with any champions that are heavily disrupted by the changes.
If you have any feedback, feel free to hit me or @TheTruexy, who's working on these changes.
Imgur (image) version:
[REMOVED] Halting Slash no longer dashes the user 300 units
Halting Slash Damage TAD Ratio: 75% >>> 150%
Slow: 40% decaying over 2 seconds >>> 90% decaying to 40% over 3 seconds
Halting Slash Cooldown: 20 >>> 15s
[ADDED] Halting Slash can now be cast while moving
Heroic Gait Passive: 30 move speed >>> 20 move speed
Mythic Passive: 3% movement speed >>> 2% movement speed
Health: 200 >>> 400
Trinity Force
Movement speed On-Hit: 25 >>> 20
Attack Damage: 30 >>> 35
Force of Nature
[REMOVED] No longer stacks Magic resist and Movement Speed
[NEW] Unique: When Immobilized, regenerate 8% of your maximum health over 4 seconds
Black Cleaver
Health: 400 >>> 450
Movement speed per Stack of Carve: 5 (max 30) >>> 3 (max 18)
Dead Man's Plate
Charge Time: 8 >>> 4s
Maximum Movement speed: 60 >>> 40
Damage On-Hit: 1-100 Magic damage based on stack count >>> 1-40 (+100% Base AD) Physical damage based on stack count
Death's Dance
Heal on Champ Takedown: 10% >>> 15%
[REMOVED] Takedowns grant 30% bonus Movement Speed for 2 seconds
- Mythic Passive: 3% Movement speed >>> 2% Movement Speed
Prowler's Claw
Cooldown: 60 >>> 90
Sandswipe Targeting: Any enemy unit >>> enemy champions
Shurelya's Battlesong
- Inspire active movement speed: 60% decaying movement speed (30% floor) >>> 30% movement speed non-decaying
Lich Bane
Movement Speed: 10% >>> 8%
Ability Power: 70 >>> 75
Cosmic Drive
Movement speed: 10-30 (scaling with level) >>> 20
Ability Power: 75 >>> 80
Nimbus Cloak
- Movement Speed per Threshold: 5/20/35% >>> 5/20/25%