Note that this masterwork doesn't even include damage, which last I checked also do damage.
Now if you're like me and you refresh the subreddit every couple of hours to see if there's any posts not related to pro play, you might've been scrounging the bottom of the barrel and looking at posts like this or this or this or this. One key thing you must note is that all of these posts are about irrelevant ass mechanics like "cc" and "dashes," as if they want a duplicate Garen in the game to rub their balanced nipples.
This post however, will blow your mind and expose the disturbing truth behind the Riot Champion Deisgn TeamTM.
After a painstaking 20 minutes of intense research on the league wiki, I have managed to persevere and count each and every one of the abilities on every champ that do damage. Was it difficult? Yes. Did I suffer? Yes, of course. What elo am I? Silver lmao.
I know, you're practically foaming at the mouth for the statistics I've gathered, but you can wait no longer. Here is my blessing to you. Avert your eyes if you're prone to urinating upon shock.
If your IQ is too low to understand the scientific value of this research, I shall'nt blame you. I couldn't understand why Riot would let this much damage into the game either, my friendo.
Also if you forgot all the release dates like I did before 20 minutes ago, here's a link to the league wiki
Clarification: I'm glad you all appreciate my FACTS and LOGIC
also Xayah W does damage
External link →