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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotSWAGGERNAU7 - Direct link

Originally posted by Vaws



over 4 years ago - /u/slazareth - Direct link

Originally posted by squirrelbaffler

I hope they add the ability to resize panels on watch.lolesports, because I like having chat, but the stats frame makes the game just a little too small.

Below the video on the right side there is an options menu. If you click that you can change your stats layout to Theater. This will move all of the stats below the video allowing you to have chat and video up top with stats below the video. Hopefully this gets you closer to the viewing experience you want.

over 4 years ago - /u/slazareth - Direct link

Originally posted by Roby98Top

U must watch or u just need to be logged?

You must be watching live and logged in on lolesports.com

over 4 years ago - /u/slazareth - Direct link

Originally posted by LloydDRK

Dear Riot,

can I please chromecast watchlolesports? Especially now I want to view through this more than ever on my TV, but I am bound to chromecast either through twitch or youtube!

Thanks in advance!

If you are using Youtube as your video player on lolesports.com you should have a chromecast button inside the youtube video player. Additionally, if you use google chrome you can cast an entire tab of your browser to your chromecast which would allow you to have our extra stats up on your TV.

over 4 years ago - /u/slazareth - Direct link

Originally posted by MrTin18

Wait so can you use twitch chat there or?

Yes. If you select Twitch as your stream provider, you can also display twitch chat on lolesports.com. Look for a little chat icon on the right below the video.

over 4 years ago - /u/slazareth - Direct link

Originally posted by LloydDRK

You are my new hero, thank you! Does it however count my viewing rewards through this method? Because I wont be signed in on my chromecast!

Good news and bad news. We have done some light testing on this and it seems to work. The bad news is that its not an officially supported feature atm, so its possible you may end up having issues. Here's what I'd recommend to give it a test and see if it's working with your setup.

1) Find a VOD you haven't watched (gray underline on VODs page) that has rewards enabled (ie - LEC/LCS).
2) Go to Game Start
3) Try casting the player itself to your chrome cast.
4) Leave it running for at least 10 minutes.
5) Go back to the VODs listing page and see if the gray underline for that VOD has turned gold. If it has, then you should be receiving rewards and drops.
6) Then just repeat this test with a different unwatched VOD and try casting the browser tab instead of the player itself.

If you're able to try this and don't mind, let me know how it goes for you. Thanks!

over 4 years ago - /u/slazareth - Direct link

Originally posted by LloydDRK

Hello, thanks again for all the trouble you guys went through and give me information. I have done testing on my local setup, here is what I have found.

On my desktop, both options of casting the player itself and casting the google chrome tab to my chromecast resulted in giving rewards and drops. So that works, as long as you obviously leave the desktop running as well!

The problem here is that normally we want to cast it on the couch through our phones. So I have tried going to lolesports.com on google chrome and see an unwatched (grey outlined) VOD on my mobile. Then, even though I made sure that it was set on youtube, the player provided me no option to cast the video to my tv. Setting my mobile on desktop site view, still did not present me with such an option. In my local set up, a work around is to visit the youtube channel where you guys upload, however that presents me with no rewards, even after watching a full game. This is what I have been fmdoing for the last two seasons.

Tl:dr; casting with rewards works on desktop, not on mobile.

For now ill adjust my routine and cast through my desktop, but if one day it could work through mobile phone chromecasting, that would be amazing.


Glad to hear its working for you on desktop at least. Unfortunately I don't have better news on the mobile front. Thanks for reporting back with your findings.