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Many of you have already seen the general lack of accomplishment required for Eternals, and lets be honest, it's just another way to mildly tilt your opponent or add to your mastery flair.

But what i'm more concerned about is the value riot is putting on this system.

The first thing to note is this is Series 1 Which means riot wants to make more.

Lets look at the initial cost, (Sorry in advance i'm Canadian so the prices will be in CAD).

For series 1, per champion the cost is 600RP or roughly $6CAD. The lowest package to purchase in CAD is 490RP for $5 followed up by 1020 for $10.

So straight up to even begin this journey, you need to sink in $10 and have $4 just floating for whatever.

Next we come to the package itself, they are selling the entire package of series 1 for 5850 RP or $60 CAD.

5850/148 = 39.52 or lets just say 40RP to simplify.
Riot is essentially bundling these and packaging them for 40RP a piece, but are selling them for 600RP a piece.

Not even forgetting they value the entire package at 88000RP or $800CAD.

For the cost of 3 of these trackers we can get a legendary skin. Or a generally epic skin for the cost of 2. And all they are, are simple no-skill based trackers that should have been in the game to begin with for free.

I can see paying 50-150RP per champ separately. But 600RP is a complete joke.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Usury - Direct link

Originally posted by SedOfAstora

To be fair I thought of these in 10sec while typing out a Reddit comment. And its enough to prove every idiot can atleast improve on Riots Eternals, not to mention how much better they would be if they were actually good. No hate on the second Varus Eternal though :P That one would be great.

These were all things we actually considered. The problem is a lot of events that you think would be common in League actually aren't all that common when you take a look at the data.

We're trying to balance out game warping, achievability, and an interesting experience. You also have to factor how many types of players play League of Legends and how their actions differ. For instance, high ELO players generally have far fewer increments of any stat vs. lower ELO players. Champions are also played in different roles and using different builds which changes what stats are currently relevant and how we would expect them to develop over time.

That being said this is our first swing. Really loving the feedback - will incorporate it as we the build different Series in the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Usury - Direct link

Originally posted by OhItsPreston

Here's some feedback if you're interested.

My issue with Eternals right now is that when you achieve a milestone for Eternals, it doesn't always correlate with having a big moment in game, and I think that's a major failure of the system.

Here's an example-- Braum has an Eternal that measures how much damage you have blocked with his E. I don't think this is a good Eternal because I don't care how much damage that my support Braum has blocked with his E over the course of his lifetime playing Braum.

If you told me that my ally Braum has blocked 400,000 damage with his E, I wouldn't know what that meant because there isn't any context as to how many games he has played with Braum. If he's played 400,000 games of Braum then I would be very concerned about his gameplay, and if he has played 1 game of Braum I'd think he was the best player ever.

I think this is the crux of the issue with Eternals. Because I don't care about my teammate's Eternal stats, I don't care whenever they show up. Imagine, for example, a game where an ally Braum player is having a really rough game. He's 0/10, he's really struggling, and he's single handedly costing us a game. We get into a big fight, he makes a mistake, E's in the wrong direction, and throws the fight, but he manages to block just enough damage that he gets a milestone and everyone sees it. That's not a big moment, not for him, and certainly not for the team. And I think achieving a milestone should be a big moment for everyone in the game.

What's my solution to this? Simple-- make Eternal stats track single plays, instead of life time acheivements. In other words, make them independent of number of games played. Instead of tracking how much damage Braum has blocked with his E over all time, why don't we track the most amount of damage Braum has blocked with a single E? That way, if you tell me "Braum has blocked 4000 damage with a single E," that's impressive no matter what. It could be his 4th game or 40th or 400th game on the champion, blocking 4000 damage with a single skill is impressive as hell.

This also makes achieving milestones memorable for everyone involved. That teamfight where Braum stood in front of MF ult and single handedly saved the fight? His contribution and acheivement is immediately recognized with an Eternals shoutout. Acheiving that milestone is a memorable moment in that moment.

This proposed system makes Eternal milestones mean something every time they pop up, since it makes Eternals about celebrating good plays instead of lifetime stack trackers. Because while I don't care about my teammate's lifetime stats, I do care about his individual good plays in my game.

Does that make sense? It makes the Eternal milestones mean something other than arbitrary tally marks.

I think literally any Eternal can be made cooler and more fun by doing this one exact fix.

Instead of "Amount of damage Poppy has blocked with her Shield," you can do "Most amount of damage Poppy has blocked with her Shield in 1 minute."

Instead of "Number of champions hit twice by Death Ray twice" for Viktor, you can do "Most amount of champions hit twice by Death Ray in 1 minute."

Instead of "Number of champions hit by Void Ooze" for Kog'maw, you can do.... "Most amount of time enemy champions spent on Void Ooze within 1 minute." (this one is kinda lame...)

But do you see what I mean? Instead of seeing "Poppy has blocked the 1,000,000,000th damage with her Shield!" and thinking to myself "eh, whatever," I could see "Poppy has blocked 700 damage with her Shield in the past minute!" This likely occurred during an extended teamfight, and I could be like "Wait, exactly HOW MUCH damage did she block??" That's so much cooler than just an arbitrary big number.

Hit milestone 5 my man and you'll unlock Personal Bests. Personal Bests are the highest time you've ever done a feature and are already included within the product.

about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Usury - Direct link

Originally posted by DarkwingGT

Are personal bests per game or lifetime?

And to that point, what is the goal here? To show off great moments in gameplay or to simply act as a records book? If it's the former, this definitely will not achieve that goal, if it's the latter, then ok, I see it.

The issue I have with the latter is that you basically will never see the Eternal again after a small section of games. You'll just have a really great game at some point, hit a high mark on the Eternal and then will probably go months if not years before you see it again. "Wow that's awesome, I had a stand out game and blocked 5k damage with a single Braum shield" But if you look at it was because they had a level 18 MF with 4 Infernals who for some reason built 6 IEs and you realize that it will be years before the stars align again to even give you the opportunity to try again.

The former would feel more fun in that even if you had that amazing best shield block ever in a game two weeks ago, if in your current game you block 4999 instead of 5k you'd still get a "Hey, that was pretty amazing, it's rare to do that and we thought everyone should know".

It's your best per single game - so if you proc a Jinx personal bests for one of Jinx's milestones you will have that within your collection page until you have another game where you surpass that milestone within a single game and set a new personal best.

about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Usury - Direct link

Originally posted by TheReconditeRedditor

I had no idea about this. It definitely changes my opinion on whether or not to pick one up. It's possible that other people don't know about this either? I'm not sure it was advertised to be part of the package and it's a really compelling selling point. If it was, I just missed it then.

It's in the Eternals Explained intro video on the overview tab inside the client but I'm not unsure how many people saw the video.

about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Usury - Direct link

Originally posted by stunna006

Is the grind really long tho? Honest question i havent checked

We've tuned it to average out around 50 games per milestone but there are a lot of factors contributing to high variance for individuals.

about 5 years ago - /u/The_Cactopus - Direct link

Originally posted by Krishnoff

u/The_Cactopus say something coward

I’ll assume good faith on your part and share this thread I wrote about why I think company reps shouldn’t necessarily go in and try to calm things down in threads like this one: https://twitter.com/rkrigney/status/1229605913931079681?s=21

Basically, comms folks are there to facilitate useful information transfer between players and devs, not to serve as a punching bag. The goal isn’t to keep the community calm, because that’s a fool’s errand.

Hope this explanation makes sense. Would be happy to talk more about engagement philosophy if you’re interested in it

about 5 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

Originally posted by OhItsPreston

Here's some feedback if you're interested.

My issue with Eternals right now is that when you achieve a milestone for Eternals, it doesn't always correlate with having a big moment in game, and I think that's a major failure of the system.

Here's an example-- Braum has an Eternal that measures how much damage you have blocked with his E. I don't think this is a good Eternal because I don't care how much damage that my support Braum has blocked with his E over the course of his lifetime playing Braum.

If you told me that my ally Braum has blocked 400,000 damage with his E, I wouldn't know what that meant because there isn't any context as to how many games he has played with Braum. If he's played 400,000 games of Braum then I would be very concerned about his gameplay, and if he has played 1 game of Braum I'd think he was the best player ever.

I think this is the crux of the issue with Eternals. Because I don't care about my teammate's Eternal stats, I don't care whenever they show up. Imagine, for example, a game where an ally Braum player is having a really rough game. He's 0/10, he's really struggling, and he's single handedly costing us a game. We get into a big fight, he makes a mistake, E's in the wrong direction, and throws the fight, but he manages to block just enough damage that he gets a milestone and everyone sees it. That's not a big moment, not for him, and certainly not for the team. And I think achieving a milestone should be a big moment for everyone in the game.

What's my solution to this? Simple-- make Eternal stats track single plays, instead of life time acheivements. In other words, make them independent of number of games played. Instead of tracking how much damage Braum has blocked with his E over all time, why don't we track the most amount of damage Braum has blocked with a single E? That way, if you tell me "Braum has blocked 4000 damage with a single E," that's impressive no matter what. It could be his 4th game or 40th or 400th game on the champion, blocking 4000 damage with a single skill is impressive as hell.

This also makes achieving milestones memorable for everyone involved. That teamfight where Braum stood in front of MF ult and single handedly saved the fight? His contribution and acheivement is immediately recognized with an Eternals shoutout. Acheiving that milestone is a memorable moment in that moment.

This proposed system makes Eternal milestones mean something every time they pop up, since it makes Eternals about celebrating good plays instead of lifetime stack trackers. Because while I don't care about my teammate's lifetime stats, I do care about his individual good plays in my game.

Does that make sense? It makes the Eternal milestones mean something other than arbitrary tally marks.

I think literally any Eternal can be made cooler and more fun by doing this one exact fix.

Instead of "Amount of damage Poppy has blocked with her Shield," you can do "Most amount of damage Poppy has blocked with her Shield in 1 minute."

Instead of "Number of champions hit twice by Death Ray twice" for Viktor, you can do "Most amount of champions hit twice by Death Ray in 1 minute."

Instead of "Number of champions hit by Void Ooze" for Kog'maw, you can do.... "Most amount of time enemy champions spent on Void Ooze within 1 minute." (this one is kinda lame...)

But do you see what I mean? Instead of seeing "Poppy has blocked the 1,000,000,000th damage with her Shield!" and thinking to myself "eh, whatever," I could see "Poppy has blocked 700 damage with her Shield in the past minute!" This likely occurred during an extended teamfight, and I could be like "Wait, exactly HOW MUCH damage did she block??" That's so much cooler than just an arbitrary big number.

I really shouldn’t be wading through Reddit before I go to sleep, but thank you for this feedback (and here I go postin’ again).

We love the idea of “max Eternals” where we capture single moments of glory. Massive Tryndamere crits. Huge Jhin passive hits. That kind of stuff is exciting, and we are absolutely interested in that idea for Series 2.

“Last fight Eternals” are an interesting idea I haven’t heard before. I see your point about relevant data here, but my concern would be around how we determine what cadence these fire at and what the threshold of success looks like. Are we calculating every minute and celebrating one person in particular? What is the threshold a player has to exceed to get the celebration? Things of that nature.

I actually think there is a combination of your ideas we could do that we have talked about a bit. What about this example for your Braum blocks:

  • We look at the average damage blocked with Braum E. Let’s say it’s 500.
  • We increment this new Eternal, “Big Boi Blocks” every time you block more than twice that, let’s say 1250 damage.
  • Your Personal Best could track the most amount of times you’ve done that in a game. In addition to, or instead of PB, we could track the MOST amount of damage you block with one E, and just like Personal Best, if you beat your previous Max, it milestones.

Let me know what you think. If people like this, we could probably make it for Series 2 on a lot of champs.

Thanks again for the feedback.

about 5 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

Originally posted by OhItsPreston

Don't get me wrong-- I think the current Eternals system definitely has value. One of my friends, for example, is a Lulu one trick, and a huge SKT fan. Since Faker got his 2000th kill recently (basically a Faker eternal :P), my group decided that when she gets her 2000th Lulu knockup we're going out for drinks. That's so cool, and it would've been impossible without the Eternals system.

But I care about my friend, and I care about her achievements in League. At the end of the day, I don't really care about whether my teammate got his lifetime milestone or not, I care that about the plays they made in my game.

If I were Riot, that would be the largest issue to address right now. I believe a major reason why some players feel dissatisfied about Eternals is because they don't see why they should care about a teammate's achievements. I think players also understand that their teammates don't care about their Eternals. I think if these were addressed, Eternals would instantly become a huge hit. That's why I really like the idea of Eternals being tied to gameplay within specific games.

I also really like the Big Boi Blocks idea, because I think it leads very naturally into a super cool feature. How awesome would it be if buying the Eternal meant that at the end of the game, there was a highlights option that showcased all of your Big Boi Blocks. How cool would it be if at the end of the game there was a mini-highlight reel that showcased each player's major Eternals milestones? That would make Eternals an awesome cosmetic feature solves a lot of current frustrations I think.

Now I totally get that wouldn't be a trivial thing for you guys to do, and I'm sure you guys have floated these ideas around in discussion sessions. I've been playing since Season 2, and dang, you guys have really tough jobs trying to satisfy everyone with these products. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope that everything goes smoothly moving forwards with future releases <3.

Awesome stuff here. Really dig the idea about a post-game showcase. Much love. <3