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So I use UGG for most of my builds, runes, etc... why is it that every rank generally builds the same except for GM? Like Ahri for example, Challenger and Master ranks most common runes are Electrocute but inbetween them in GM, most used runes is Aery and every rank below Master uses Electrocute. Been a trend I've seen on that site for a while and doesn't make too much sense to me.

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about 1 month ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Can't speak to your specific example but the vast majority of players don't tailor their runes to the specific matchup or situation, and rune recommender ends up doing most of the work for most players. High elo players are much more likely to modify their rune page between each game as well as select more "optimal" choices. Often these optimal choices also require extra effort (weaving in attacks in lane for constant Aery procs for example) that most players either don't want to do or simply would not be able to execute on successfully to the point that the rune selection would become optimal.

There is also just a bit of a different meta at different ranks, often influenced by a small handful of one-tricks or dedicated mains in high elo. In GM+ you might literally just be looking at one or two player's builds on certain champions.