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Hey, folks. I think most people can agree that toxicity in the league of legends player base is as unpleasant as it is unavoidable. At this point it's kind of the game's reputation. I try not to contribute to it, but more than that, I wanted to do something to alleviate it. Or maybe counter balance it is a better term.

What I started doing was trying to say at least one nice thing to someone in the post game lobby. To call out a good play or decision. Maybe someone on my team carried. Maybe someone got dragon steal. Hell maybe someone bought serpent fang and it helped turn some team fights. Whatever. It doesn't have to be something huge, I just try to something positive.

Even more powerful is complimenting my opponents! I had a senna the other day who was vicious with her vision. Every ward I placed or cleared was a battle to the death. So I called that out after the game and they appreciated it. I got hard gapped mid at one point and said so in the post-game lobby, and the other guy was gracious and we spent some time going over the matchup.

I'm not going to pretend this is going to single-handedly eradicate toxicity in league. But it's free, it's simple, and it's a tangible action anyone can take. It takes less than half a minute to type out a friendly message, win or lose, before moving on to the next game.

Feel free to give it a try. :)

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

Players like you make it all worth it! :)