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almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by sp33dzer0

This only requires:

Level 18

Opponents with 0 MR

Fully stacked Conqueror

Never getting hit by an enemy to turn off Warmogs

EDIT: AND 6 items with a fully stacked mejai's having replaced boots, meaning Swain isn't reaching anyone.

This is actually a pretty cool exercise in sort of triage both for design issues. First you would confirm that it actually can happen (video evidence is great for that) then you look at the severity and likely-hood of it happening to help determine the impact. The severity here could be arguably somewhat high because staying alive permanently in the enemies fountain is a generally game-breaking experience, but then listing out the conditions you mentioned means that, while the output may seem severe. the actual likelihood and impact this would have on the game is very, very minimal or rare, if at all. Doesn't dismiss it, but helps put it in perspective when you are juggling a lot of things!

almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by BobDaBilda

I don't have a clue how his new r works, but wouldn't this require undying enemies too?

Something like that

almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Afterlyte

I feel like this would be similar to the concept of Senna being able to attack turrets outside of the turret's attack range. Is it possible, yes. Is it likely to happen in a normal game with the amount of souls that are required for that? Probably not.

Thats a good comparison!

almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by aglimmerof

Yes hello Mr. GalaxySmash I would like to just express my gratitude and adoration for not killing hybrid Kai’Sa and instead rewarding the ‘predator’ style gameplay with those latest changes.

I genuinely really like the shield and passive buffs. So as a hybrid Kai’Sa enjoyer, thank you!

Haha im glad you enjoyed it! I'll pass the compliments along :)