Thank you to all who took the survey, it was taken over 10,000 times. For those of you who don't know, it was a survey asking which champion is the most annoying to play against for each role.
Here is the complete spreadsheet with the results:
Top 5 top lane: Teemo (10.5%), Akali (9.5%), Tryndamere (9.2%), Darius (7.9%), Illaoi (7.5%) The Illaoi surprised me but everything else was what I expected
Top 5 Jungle: Shaco (23.3%), Yi (11.9$), Lee Sin (10.2%), Ekko (6.5%), Evelynn (6.4%) I hate Shaco too
Top 5 Mid: Yasuo (18.6%), Akali (12.9%), Fizz (11.2%), Zoe (10.0%), Zed (4.5%) Who would have known Yasuo would be #1
Top 5 ADC: Aphelios (40.0% < WOW), Caitlyn (15.0%), Draven (7.7%), Yasuo (6.1%), Ezreal (4.2%) Wow I had no idea so many hate Aphelios
Top 5 Support: Pyke (11.7%), Naut (9.9%), Blitz (8.0%), Morgana (7.8%), Brand (7.1%)
The least voted champion was MaoKai at only 4 votes
The most voted champion (1 role) was Aphelios at 3904 votes... Good job riot, nice champ design
If you want me to do more surveys, pm me what survey you want me to do next
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