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Hello everyone! I'm a Jinx main who also happens to be a maths student(and into numbers), so after the 12.1b changes I tested various possible Jinx builds to see if anything has changed. I finished platinum 3 last season so most of my gameplay related opinions should be taken with a grain of salt- the main purposes of this post are numbers, numbers and numbers. TLDR at the end.

Raw Testing Data

The above table are the raw data obtained. I have done my best to make sure all other variables are controlled- for example with a 60% crit build with 10 autos I made sure in each trial there are exactly 6 crits and 4 non-crits(I cannot guarantee this was absolutely the case- so numbers could have small errors within them- but I have tried my best!). Here are my findings:

  1. It appears that BotRK is, by quite some margin, the best 2nd item spike for Jinx. I suspect this has been the case for a while now as this echoed with the finding of u/Chitrr's post https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueofjinx/comments/ozn6n0/mathematically_correct_jinx/, which was posted A YEAR AGO. Now that it is possible to build IE immediately after BotRK, there is a stronger than ever case to build BotRK in most cases.
  2. Kraken into immediately IE is poor. This has been generally expected by me as Jinx loves her attack speed a lot, but being over 10% lower damage than the traditional Kraken -> PD build order at equal gold while not providing the 14% total movement speed the latter provides means rushing Kraken -> IE is suboptimal. It is also over 20% lower damage than BotRK 2nd against squishies, and over 30% lower damage against tanks.
  3. At 3 items, the traditional Kraken -> PD -> IE build is still the strongest against pure squishies. However once the target health gets closer to 3,000 and armour goes above 150 it starts to lag behind(just like before). The old build path still has its place in the meta.
  4. Once again echoing to u/Chitrr, Kraken -> BotRK -> LDR is highest damage at 3 items in most tested cases. If you build Kraken -> BotRK, LDR could be higher damage than IE even against not very tanky targets(as you are on 40% crit chance, where the crit damage amp does not have as large of an effect as we may think)! The IE vs. LDR dilemma still works similar to before, but now with a buffed LDR, it is better than what most people think.
  5. An additional test was ran at 2.5 items for the traditional Kraken -> PD -> IE build path. As we expected Kraken -> Zeal -> IE is substantially higher damage than Kraken -> PD -> B.F. Sword + Cloak(20% against squishies, 15% against tanks).

Some other non-damage number related things worth pointing out:

  1. PD gives 14% movement speed during fights- this is a substantial amount. Even though BotRK could still be higher damage I will lean towards Kraken -> Zeal -> IE -> Finish PD if I'm against a squishy composition.
  2. I ran Alacrity in my runes in any build with BotRK and Bloodline in any build without. This is because I personally hate playing with 0% life steal especially into the midgame. Just something to remember. Coup de Grace was the choice for all trials- a controlled variable, should not have too much effect on comparison between builds.
  3. I chose Nimbus Cloak and Absolute Focus as my secondaries, as having Gathering Storm or Boots are inconvenient(each session lasted for over 40 minutes)
  4. Berserker's Greaves was chosen in every trial. If you are building Steelcaps or Mertreads against a full AD or full AP comp, this could change(I would guess builds involving PD will be better?).
  5. The test were done with ROCKETS ONLY. With minigun I expect builds like Kraken -> IE(and builds without too much AS in general) to be better/less bad. I used rockets as that is her primary weapon at least at the start(and the bulk) of most fights. Against something to keep in mind and I am not 100% sure how much things change if I used minigun only.

TLDR: Based on pure numbers BotRK is now her best 2nd item. Kraken -> IE as first 2 items is poor. In mose cases Kraken -> BotRK -> LDR is highest damage, Kraken -> Zeal -> IE -> Finish PD is highest damage against pure squishies.

That should be all for now! If there is anything you'd like to know that I did not cover in this, chances are I may still know, so feel free to ask! Some of these results has been pretty unexpected to me so I would like to hear opinions from other players as well- and please point it out if I have left something out!

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about 2 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Curious what this analysis looks like accounting for minigun Attack Speed. Jinx historically LOVED getting IE ASAP since the AD synced with Minigun Attack Speed for tower taking and earlier brawls