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12 months ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

Originally posted by Intrepid-Dentist-675

Skarner rework is not mentioned. RIP

I was worried we talk about Skarner TOO much but in retrospect I was wrong. Skarner will be on PBE in a matter of weeks not months so hang in there

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by No_Cauliflower633

50% of players with negative lp gains down to 5% is pretty cool. I noticed my account recovered much faster this split after demoting and losing at 0 lp compared to last.

There's still more work to be done. In emerald and above its mostly eliminated.


More context here on why some of the cases happen.

Most of the cases now are localized to some of the fallout from: * seeding problems (which we've resolved future facing, but couldn't fix people who placed gold but had actual skill which is lower)

  • people tanking on boundaries

  • people on a precipitous drop

  • some bugs in iron where iron 3 and 4 players were placing in iron 2

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by cosHinsHeiR

It is for emerald and below, but aren't negative gains expected in masters? You are top 0.6%, the expectation should be a winrate above 50% (It's around 54% according to lolalytics previous patches), if you have positive gains too the lp inflation will be insane no?

Negative gains aren't expected in masters by default. There was more inflation last year because so many people had negative lp gains.

Lolalytics has positive winrates because it's comparing people on tier boundaries eg. Masters 0lp as masters winrate while they are playing in a diamond 1/2 game, same for d4 in an emerald game.

Those players are likely to have a higher winrate and there are more of them compared to people at the top of the bracket (more d4 players than d1 players)

12 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by AzerFraze

Meddler to busy for a Dev Update just because he was getting married? f**king fake gamer man

edit: lol @ second prestige skin for Leona

For what it's worth I'm going to do my utmost to never get married again!

12 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by DefinitelyNotSmall

Congratulation to Meddler!


12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hye phroxzon, have you guys started thinking about what to do for midseason

Yes nothing to share tho yet

12 months ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

Originally posted by MyLoveForLuna

yo brightmoon are you back to the team? cause i remember couple months ago you said you leaving sadly.

I'm still here until we have the next EP trained up :)

12 months ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

Originally posted by AcceptableWorker6227

I can hear Captain Flowers losing his mind in excitement half the continent away.

You've heard the truth!

12 months ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

Originally posted by AobaSona

Hey. This is something I’ve been trying to get noticed at every dev update for about a year now. As you might know, these days when champions get added to Wild Rift with a new base splash, the new splash is added on League PC too, before they're even released on WR. However, some champions got updated WR splashes before Riot started doing that, namely Leona, Soraka and Nautilus, and it would be great if now those splashes were added too. Leona especially really needs it, cause she has the oldest base splash in the entire game.

You mentioned porting WR splashes on a dev update once, but I guess it was just about the unreleased ones for future champions, cause it hasn’t happened with any splashes that were actually released on WR first. There's at lot of splashes for skins that match the PC versions and could be ported, but even if not I think it would be only fair to port the other base ones (or at least Leona if Riot thinks the others are fine 🥲).

We'll be taking another look at WR and LoR content that makes sense for League but I don't have a timeline for that yet

12 months ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBluestMan

Yuumi getting a Prestige skin sounds wild to me


12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Jozoz

Won't this just cause insane inflation of ranks?

Not really. People get inflated because of negative lp gains

Negative lp gains = inflation, ie. Your rank is diamond 4, but you're actually emerald 1 skill = you're inflated and getting +18/-22

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Fun-Consequence4950

I'm glad Phroxzon addressed the placement of smurfs over legitimate players, because that seems to be the dev team acknowledging the existence of smurfs.

Which brings me to my big question: Why is Riot allowing smurfing? They should be pushing for 1 player=1 account as much as possible. This will massively improve player behaviour and matchmaking while reducing toxicity, ban evading and the effectiveness of websites selling prelevelled smurfs for a few dollars.

There are clear problems with smurfing that we want to resolve (disruptive behavior, avoiding punishments)

Solutions to these problems are difficult and take time. We agree they're problems though!

We also need to find ways to naturally fix some of the reasons why people avoid playing on their main in the first place, eg. Playing ranked on main is not rewarding enough, playing with friends of varying skill is hard, playing off role, flex queue is perceived as less prestigious than solo/duo etc.

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by LordPatroclus

I know I'm shouting into the void, but I really hope they'll do something in the future to make Unranked matchmaking less punishing for new and more casual players. Or heck, I'd love a Wild Rift-esque permanent casual mode (i.e. not gimmicky like URF, but still much faster faced with 15-20 minute matches and less punishing in terms of minion wave management and such than regular SR).

It's something we're looking into. We've pushed some adjustments recently and continuing to do more.