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“Jungle impact” “top impact” arguments are pointless because impact is based on the champion you are playing. If you are a top shen main, your mid early impact is bigger than that of maokai. It is not your jungler’s fault if a karthus loses early to an elise. Likewise, screaming bot diff makes no sense if it is a draven nautilus vs kog’maw lulu.

You are the only thing you can change to climb and screaming random arguments about your lane having no impact or jungle having too much impact does not improve your or anyone else’s game.

Please stop arguing about this.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Angry_train

But certain roles have overall bigger impact over the game and we need to look at the fact that we are in an early snowball meta that makes certain roles even better.

Is it about roles, or is it about the picks?