Full disclosure, I am a gold 4 adc main in NA
With that out of the way I just have one issue I can't wrap my head around that I seemingly can't get a straight answer from anyone on.
Why does riot balance so heavily around pro-play? This might be mostly anecdotal but it feels like a large part of the ADC role is based around what the absolute best players in pro-play can do while also having lots of communication with their team in order to get sufficient peel.
But everyone knows soloq is not even close to that, from my experience even if I'm the sole reason our team is in the game more than likely I'm lucky to have one person dedicate themselves to peeling me let alone 2 or 3. This isn't a slight against my team really, if you've never played adc you wouldn't know how fragile they are and would assume that your fed adc can 1v1 someone if they are left alone, it's not like we know every intricacy of every other role at gold. But it just feels entirely frustrating to know that things often are out of your hands for some moments of the game even if you are ahead.
I know I'm not alone in this feeling as it's no mystery how adc mains feel about the fact that they have no agency for almost everything they do down to their builds, but it just makes me ask, if 70%+ of the playerbase struggled with the role, why is riot so hands off with it?
Obviously people say that adc is too strong and maybe it's the champs I play but very rarely do I feel as strong as my scoreline depicts, the fact that adc regularly gets priority queue now in my mind validates my concern that the role is overly difficult to be proficient at let alone good as I can't remember a time 5 years ago the role had a low playrate like this.
But back to my original point why does Riot seem to not care? Most patches seem to do nothing for adc more than nerf the champ with over a 52% wr or buff the champ below 48%(except for zeri and aphelios), the durability patch felt good for a few days but riot immediately buffed assassins back to their previous strength and it feels like I still have to play perfect to beat the enemy brand, lux, velkoz support when they only have boots.
Obviously a pro player or even high challenger player knows how to play better than me and you could just tell me to "get gud" and that they have no issues with the soloq experience when playing adc but I know I'm struggling and it feels like half of getting better at adc is just understanding who and what can kill you at all power levels and playing to your team even if you don't agree with what they are doing.
Maybe I'm just envious of the other lanes, regularly I watch the enemy mid go 0/x in lane and walk up and one-shot me after they get their mythic and sometimes I just wish I could do that or at the very least not die to that so easily.
Anyways if you read all of that thanks for reading and hopefully you can educate me beyond a "get gud".
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