This is from his 13.21, so a bit old, but I've seen a lot of people misquoting or misrepresenting what he said. Here is a timestamped link to what he said and a cleaned up transcript of what he said about the ping changes.
We have survey data around player communication and player interactions. Basically every single metric around questions like, "I felt respected by my teammates" or "I was tilted in the last game I played" or "my interactions with chat or my interactions with the ping system or my interactions with X communication system". Positives all went up, negatives all went down from a relatively straight line to a very obvious spike in patch 13.20. Ping changes have trended aggressively positive ever since these changes have come in. I'd have to go back and look at the exact granularity, but I know these trends have absolutely been positive. When you actually poll random players how communication tools are serving them in the game, there is a very clear marked improvement. So, these changes are good. We are going to continue to add more permissive rules here over time to add more positive avenues of communication. Unfortunately, there were a lot of bugs in the stuff that was we were trying to get into 13.21 so a lot of it's going to have to wait till 13.22, but it's just to say that like these changes have measurably improved players perception of their teammates and of the game and so we're going to keep moving in this direction.
Immediately prior to this he talked about how reddit and twitter are not representative, and even if twitter and reddit are all saying one thing, it could be the case that the "silent majority" of league players actually like the change, which the survey data says, according to Phreak.
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