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Riot Auberaun tweeted:

We've got some surrender updates hitting PBE going in for 13.16. Intention here is to make surrendering more of a team action rather than 1 person spamming FF every 3 minutes, along with other misc improvements. We plan on doing more of this type of systems work going forward.

Changes include:

  • 6 minute cooldown for a person to start a surrender vote (3 minute team wide cooldown remains and takes priority over indiviual cooldowns)

  • Anonymity for the person starting a surrender vote

  • Surrender votes automatically resolve if they can’t pass

  • Surrender box now indicates what type of surrender it is

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9 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by yastie

the technology is finally there

You joke but this was incredibly hard to actually do from a technical standpoint lol

9 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by helloimapickle

Anonymity for the person starting a surrender vote

kinda don't like this one since I only ff if the person carrying wants to, now I won't know if the person ffing is the one doing well or the one who is 0/11

Personally I feel like its almost always demoralizing. Either its the same person spamming the FF and the chat reminds you of that, or you see your carry/best player wanting to FF which makes you feel like its doomed.

9 months ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by SergDerpz

"Surrender box now indicates what type of surrender it is."

What does this mean?

Surrender, Early Surrender, Remake

Have seen a lot of players get confused on what's a remake vs. an early surrender and then they ask why they've lost LP for what they thought was a remake, etc.

9 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Psclly

I feel bad for you guys but is it not time to do some serious overhauling? Guessing it's not within budget

The guy who brought up code rewrites basically covered most of it really well but "serious overhauling" takes an absurd amount of time and incurs an incredible amount of risk for borderline invisible gains a lot of the time. The surrender system in this instance may have been a hassle to work on, but it also literally hasn't been touched since it was made over a decade ago (roughly) so its never been an issue and likely won't be in the near future.