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I and many others regularly have so big problems in the champ select, that I can't pick a champion and am forced to dodge, which is particularly frustrating in ranked. Why does the client not just have a restart button, so you can fix most problems quickly without dodging the champ select???

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about 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by 321045q

They're too busy making more kaisa skins.

They said they would be fixing the client with half-assed annual statements for 2 years. I doubt they change anything. At this point I'm convinced that they're just going to create a whole new client in the next two years instead of devoting a single resource to fixing this one.

Appreciate the feedback, we have published five posts being transparent with our progress, every two months. Our next one is going out next Friday (slight delay since we had a holiday break) which will highlight a number of improvements we have made over the course of 2020 and our plan for Q1 of this year.

about 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Tzankotz

well most programs don't crash when you use them for 5 minutes of normal workflow

We have made significant improvements to memory leaks that have reduced crashes since patch 10.25, you will hear more about this next week and our Q1 plan for this year, where we will talk about crashes and our plan to reduce them :)

about 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by darkacesp

Appreciate the effort Am1t8. The client has honestly truly felt better to me and a friend who had consistent issues pretty much anytime we played. A lot less champ select issues.

Thanks for the comment, appreciate it!

about 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

Sick of hearing about plans tbh. Imagine not foreseeing client problems and actually made a head start to address the issues.

But yeah I guess the shop was gucci, so if it ain’t broke πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Appreciate the feedback, we have listed all of our fixes and changes in the patch notes going back to mid last year