Skipping the preamble, here's the numbered list of problems:
- As a ranked mode, stacks of 5 are often put up against stacks of 2+3, 2+2+1, or 5 random people. The problem with a stack of 5 going into ranked against random smaller parties is obvious, and the solution is just as obvious: have full parties match against full parties. It's (supposedly) a ranked queue, after all, and should be treated as such.
- Solo/Duo MMR doesn't factor into Flex MMR, leading to bullsh*t like Masters+ being matched against Silver or Gold players. Solo/Duo MMR should not be the only deciding factor for your Flex MMR or it'd ruin the use of the queue, but it should factor in for Apex tiers to prevent a 30 LP Diamond 4 from being crushed by a 150 LP Masters. (Someone in the comments had a smart suggestion: have Solo/Duo MMR influence Flex placements, which solves the problem and ensures their Solo/Duo MMR is not perpetually influencing their Flex MMR.)
- The MMR brackets are too loose or the preference of low queue times over closer match MMRs too strongly favors the former. The number of times I as a Flex Gold 1 with a 62% winrate have been matched up against full teams of Flex Platinum 1's with 60%+ winrates is way too high, and it often happens after longer queues. (Never allowing the queue timer to elapse the estimated wait time helps with this, so this one is kind of arguable.)
- (This one's directed more at the community) a good chunk of why Flex is good for competitive practice with new champions is simple: people try. If everyone adopts the attitude of "It's just Flex bro" and run it down the 18th time, it's destined to become as bad for practice as Normal Draft. Do your best, no matter what weird stuff you do, and be you.
As a random piece of evidence, here's a game where both 1. and 2. are relevant: me and my friend (the jungler) got matched up against a full stack of 5 that also had a Masters player in it, and unsurprisingly we lost... which we probably wouldn't have, if we were a full party.
You have my in-game name, so you are free to verify this yourself. The match I'm referencing above is obvious and all of the info to find it is included in the above screencap.
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