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Skipping the preamble, here's the numbered list of problems:

  1. As a ranked mode, stacks of 5 are often put up against stacks of 2+3, 2+2+1, or 5 random people. The problem with a stack of 5 going into ranked against random smaller parties is obvious, and the solution is just as obvious: have full parties match against full parties. It's (supposedly) a ranked queue, after all, and should be treated as such.
  2. Solo/Duo MMR doesn't factor into Flex MMR, leading to bullsh*t like Masters+ being matched against Silver or Gold players. Solo/Duo MMR should not be the only deciding factor for your Flex MMR or it'd ruin the use of the queue, but it should factor in for Apex tiers to prevent a 30 LP Diamond 4 from being crushed by a 150 LP Masters. (Someone in the comments had a smart suggestion: have Solo/Duo MMR influence Flex placements, which solves the problem and ensures their Solo/Duo MMR is not perpetually influencing their Flex MMR.)
  3. The MMR brackets are too loose or the preference of low queue times over closer match MMRs too strongly favors the former. The number of times I as a Flex Gold 1 with a 62% winrate have been matched up against full teams of Flex Platinum 1's with 60%+ winrates is way too high, and it often happens after longer queues. (Never allowing the queue timer to elapse the estimated wait time helps with this, so this one is kind of arguable.)
  4. (This one's directed more at the community) a good chunk of why Flex is good for competitive practice with new champions is simple: people try. If everyone adopts the attitude of "It's just Flex bro" and run it down the 18th time, it's destined to become as bad for practice as Normal Draft. Do your best, no matter what weird stuff you do, and be you.

As a random piece of evidence, here's a game where both 1. and 2. are relevant: me and my friend (the jungler) got matched up against a full stack of 5 that also had a Masters player in it, and unsurprisingly we lost... which we probably wouldn't have, if we were a full party.



You have my in-game name, so you are free to verify this yourself. The match I'm referencing above is obvious and all of the info to find it is included in the above screencap.

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over 3 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

You're right. It does need some work. We don't have a full commit on what's next for Flex, but I do like talking about where some of the problems are.

  • Flex MMR --> Other Queue MMR: If you haven't played a lot of games in Flex, it's likely your MMR isn't entirely being taken into account. I'll caveat that with Diamond MMR at Flex means a different thing than Diamond MMR in solo queue, just based off of sheer population in the queue. For solutioning: Flex MMR seeding is probably the big one here. Seeding you into Flex informed from other queue performance would go a long way in ironing out some of those issues, which is something we saw a TON of success with in solo queue for new accounts.
  • Premade Matches: Right now it does try to match you against other premades of the same size, but it's not being strict enough with envelope expansion as it relates to other premade sizes. This is a tough one since the population in the queue is generally lower than our other SR queues (which makes sense) since most players use this as a group queue. Right now, our biggest problems with matches in flex are actually the "3 person parties" -- there are a significant # of players wanting to play as 3 that doesn't quite match up with the available 2's and 1's in the queue. It normally ends up resulting in a quick match with premade 5s when they become available. I think we can do better here. You're right.
  • The Mode Itself: Flex is sort of having an identity crisis living somewhere between solo queue, normals, and Clash. It's seemed to settle as the semi-serious competitive team or competitive solo practice mode, which might be ok -- though I really think we can do better in the mode itself. There's the hint of an element to premade play that's missing from current flex -- like team persistent // scouting // etc. that maybe we could explore, but we haven't gone down that route yet.

Overall, it'd be great if we could get a natural progression from Normals --> Solo --> Flex --> 5s --> Competitive 5s etc. That's a world I'd love to see.

It's such an interesting and exciting space to play in -- I'd like to see how far it can grow.


Disclaimer: We have not prioritized any of this as of yet, but I'm passionate about this topic so wanted to jump in.

over 3 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

What about removing duos from solo queue and incentivizing them to play flex? 2/3/5 stack premades in flex and pure solo in solo queue. It would make matchmaking better and also give people a reason to play flex/take it serious. The game has enough people who want to play ranked but refuse to play solo that they would start playing flex. Throw in some better rewards too just to top it off.

It is something we talk about frequently. I really like the direction of it, but there are some queue health concerns that have held us back in the past.

It's worth reopening the discussion again though.

over 3 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by Ahri_Support_OTP

I really appreciate your willingness to talk with people about this, actually. Flex's atmosphere is enjoyable and it's becoming my favorite mode more and more as me and parties of friends queue up and play!

  • The idea of seeding MMR like with Solo/Duo is a good one, as it not only solves the problem but it prevents people from abusing a semi-fixed MMR. It would almost certainly result in a better experience for the people playing Flex and could possibly make Flex the preferable mode if all goes well. If the only excuse people have for not playing Flex is "It's a joke" then when it stops being one they'll probably try it out.
  • Ah, so it does preference matching parties against one-another! I would argue that, at least presently, the people who queue for Flex don't care about the long timers. I can say that my regular queue time ranges from 2-15 minutes and I do not mind one bit so long as the matches are fair. Flex could end up being the mode with stricter matchmaking requirements (and longer, more accurate queues) for those who want it.
  • Flex serving as a generalist-specialist mode isn't a bad thing imo. It allows you to go solo, duo, trio, full party, whatever suits your fancy and with the noted issues aside it does so well. It can be practice for Clash or competitive if you want it to be, and it can be an alternative to Solo/Duo if you want it to be, and I like the sound of both.

I only made this account to post about Flex anyway, which should tell you how much I actually care about it. Because I do. Me and my duo may be able to take Solo/Duo over, but Flex is more fun and that's what's most important tbh.

I really love the passion for sure -- it's definitely a space that's on the cusp of what could be amazing competitive team play if we get it right. I play a ton of flex too and would love to carve out some space to make it better, or at least find the right solution that fits that mold.

over 3 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by xSpaceCrabsx

Can you comment on why ranked 5’s was removed? My initial thoughts are user engagement and the addition of flex and clash. It’s a decision that’s always sort of confused me.

I wasn't part of that decision a while back, but as with any mode we want to make sure it's healthy not only in population but in integrity (where we can). Team 5s was a great start into competitive 5s, but iirc it didn't hit our healthy bar for play and had a lot of problems with the implementation.

Flex and Clash have been positive steps in the right direction -- but there's still more to do there as well.

over 3 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

Speaking of competitive /u/codeofbear

How will Challenges change player behaviour? I see a world where a player will be like “playing for challenges, gl” and process to play suboptimal on purpose. League is a competitive game across all its SR modes. Not playing to win is very toxic.

It’s a good question for sure. We’ve done some pretty rigorous testing of challenges and we think the design framework adequately irons out most of the conflict here. I think the main thing we’ve found is that challenges on their own rarely will have such an impact on an individual game that this consistently happens. We have flagged a few at risk, but we’ll be taking a look first on PBE to see how they pan out.

over 3 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

Originally posted by Radical-Six

Like others have said, really appreciate you coming in here and talking about this! My one gripe that I see somewhat often is even when the Flex matchmaking is "fair", I run into players who have their solo rank at Plat/Diamond/higher but their Flex rank is bronze/silver. I understand that you want players to climb each queue, and that rank /= MMR, but it makes no sense to me that the exact same player can have two vastly different ranks in 2 queues where the only difference is potential teammates. Would love to see this cracked down on somehow.

Thanks again for answering questions!

No problem. Happy to talk! I think there are some seeding solutions we can target here to make it better. As with all of our work, it’s a matter of being able to prioritize them and dedicate the right amount of time to these projects to be effective.