For too long now ADC has been left as a feast or famine role in which ADCs have very little control over the outcome. Lane phase is almost always jungle, support, and MID roam difference.
It didn't used to be this way back before 8.11 marksman who played well could actually do the CARRY in ADC and win games when they played well even if the enemy jungle or MID was better than theirs.
I'm tired of me and in some cases my support both being fed but having a weak team and the whole enemy team just CCs me and I instantly get deleted in fights and we lose games where we've clearly outplayed the enemy bot lane.
Top laners complained and while something needed to be done rito took the wrong approach and buffed all kinds of tank and bruiser items. They needed to give some kind of bonus to whoever spent the most time in top lane by a certain minute mark whether that was a free level boost or extra gold would have been better than buffing all bruisers and tanks.
Rito undid the jungle XP nerfs (which was a good thing), it's time to both undo the bot XP nerfs and also go back to how marksman were before the 8.11 apocalypse, I want some agency to decide games instead of relying on my support MID and jungle so heavily.
I also don't know what's going on this season but I have teammates that don't realize oh we have a fed ADC we need to peel for her so we can win. They just keep trying to carry themselves even though in some cases their ADC is by far their best win condition.
This is happening in Diamond this season I expect it on my lower rated smurfs, it seems this season in solo Q most players are only interested in being the hard carry which creates all kinds of problems for ADC because of the sad state it's been reduced to this season.
Last there is way too much damage in the game right now there used to be a clear divide in all stages of the game between ADCs who build full damage and are glass cannons and other champions who don't. The amount of damage that mages tanks and bruisers do right now is crazy and while I'll admit assassins need high burst damage they shouldn't deal decent sustained damage.
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