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Today was my 4th day of clash, and every single time we've lost first round to a team of smurfs with barely any recent games played.

Needs to have a rule where if you want to play in clash you have to have played X ranked games within the last month or so to make sure it's only people on main accounts.

Nobody will pay for a premium ticket (that are only worth it if you get top 3), if you have no chance against a team of smurfs.

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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotIAmWalrus - Direct link

Originally posted by Mayhem370z

I just want to add, cause idk where else to add this feedback. But in the scouting phase, all of the data was mixed up. Like, the current Ranked for say player 1, was actually the ranked champs played by player 5. Same for mastery. Which, without really checking EVERYTHING could be confusing for some. As the person it was showing say all top laners, in the history they are actually the support and its showing the incorrect champs on the mastery tab. I confirmed this via checking up on OP.GG.

If that was confusing. Ranked and Mastery on one player was actually the Ranked and Mastery of another. Although the history was always accurate.

We're looking into this today . It looks like something during scouting is shuffling the data and the names around - so the ranked info is there, but it's all under the wrong names (which makes it a LOT less useful, obviously).

Haven't figured the bug out yet but we have some good leads and can hopefully knock it out before the next Clash

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotIAmWalrus - Direct link

Originally posted by MegaverseFTW

Sorry, I saw an article saying clash would be every other weekend starting now. Is this true?

We're starting it off roughly once a month, and we'll see if it make sense to go more frequently from there.