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I started back in Season 5 (ootay first login screens represent!) after being introduced to the game by a lifelong friend. It seems like a short time ago until you realize it's been 5 years. Over the next year or so, be it through showing other friends the game, meeting people online and more, I came to establish a group of friends who I could always depend to play a game with, almost every single day. Through the steals, the won and lost lanes, the rotating queues, the tilt, and it all, we would always pal up as 5 on a League game (or during then, usually around 4 lol).

Life catches up though, and now when I open the game, I don't see that familiar green circle on their names anymore. Be it responsibilities, moving away from the game or gaming, partners, or just simply moving on, the only green light I see is my own.

I'm sure a lot of folks who have been playing for longer can relate to this lonely feeling. I miss those memories; they may not have always been good, but at least we were together.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by Neurotossina

I've played both League and World of Warcraft since their release, most of both my FL are empty. It is a weird feeling, but I'll always remember that idiot that pulled the wrong mob 15 years ago and had a laught over it or something like that.

I'm lucky, I've been playing with the same guild/group for 10+years, I've been to some wedding and toons of meeting but it's still sad to look at that FL.

I feel you. I've been playing League since season 2 and played WoW since beta. A few people who I started playing League with still play, but we were all temporarily in EU at the time and we're now back in our home regions so we don't play together anymore.

I'm lucky because I've made a group of close friends at Riot who still play actively. Although two of them still haven't finished their placements (I KNOW YOU TWO WILL SEE THIS. GO DO YOUR PLACEMENTS DAN AND RYAN!)

I still talk to one of my WoW because my first Vanilla raid leader is also a Rioter. Small world.

about 5 years ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by Neurotossina

I have to admit it...I'm on Ryan and Dan side this time. Work has been massive last month and all I can do is some pioneer event (magic) in the weekend and just barely finished my placement. I've raided with a former Blue (blizzard like rioters if anyone is wondering) that later became a rioter and with a former blue now working on another company. It's a small world indeed.

They have no excuse! They just don't like playing ranked in solo/duo queue and only want to do Flex with our 5man. Bunch of bozos.

I had a Blizz engineer in my raiding guild in WoW during Legion. But I fell out of raiding (why did they have to make holy priests so unviable in a large portion of Nighthold??) and we lost contact. I logged in again recently because one of my team members won't stop telling me to play with him, and I don't recognize anyone in my guild. It's depressing.

If you're ever looking for anyone to play with feel free to add me! Riot Cashmiir in NA on League (and LoR) and I can DM you my btag if you still play WoW. :D

about 5 years ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by Neurotossina

That's really nice but I'm on EU West :D I've stopped playing wow last summer, had to give the GM to one of my officer but the group is still going strong :D

RIP. Well, glhf Summoner/Champion of Azeroth!