Yi building sunfire has a MINIMUM 58% winrate, this does not include build order or anything. Just building the item PERIOD he has a 58% winrate.
Diana building sunfire (and demonic) has a 60% winrate, and her new build is not nashor's first, it's sunfire rush into demonic.
It is not the f*cking items, it is the fact that Diana has juggernaut base stats on top of absurd base damage and a shield for half her health.
It is not bork making Yi broken, it is the fact he's a braindead statcheck with 50+ true damage PER AUTO and can't be kited or dealt with in any way since the Q update.
Why in the actual f*ck are neither of these champs in the patch notes for 12.15? Oh, that's right, money! New fairweather mains to market skins to.
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