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Yi building sunfire has a MINIMUM 58% winrate, this does not include build order or anything. Just building the item PERIOD he has a 58% winrate.

Diana building sunfire (and demonic) has a 60% winrate, and her new build is not nashor's first, it's sunfire rush into demonic.

It is not the f*cking items, it is the fact that Diana has juggernaut base stats on top of absurd base damage and a shield for half her health.

It is not bork making Yi broken, it is the fact he's a braindead statcheck with 50+ true damage PER AUTO and can't be kited or dealt with in any way since the Q update.

Why in the actual f*ck are neither of these champs in the patch notes for 12.15? Oh, that's right, money! New fairweather mains to market skins to.

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over 2 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Not going to comment on whether or not these builds/champs are OP or should be nerfed (we are nerfing yi next patch), but be careful when analyzing item winrates. The later in a build an item is purchased, the higher winrate it will have. This is due to the fact that if you have enough gold to buy X items, you are more likely to be winning. Have to remember all the games that are surrendered or lost before these items are bought.

As an example, most mythics that are bought SECOND in a build *(riftmaker after nashor's, sunfire after botrk) will have higher winrates than the mythics that are bought first.