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Hey all. Title kinda explains itself somewhat. I am looking for some fun champs who I can get good with and start carrying. Any lane tbh. Iā€™m a top main that one tricked GP for too long. Let me know suggestions. Kinda bored playing the same champs and them not feeling fun anymore

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about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Interject - Direct link


Teemo - Besides being a massive troll, his stealth is really fun at times.

Yorick - Zombie Army!


Evelynn - Stealth is fun, and her playstyle is exciting.

Shaco - Same as above, however very challenging to master.

Warwick - fastboi werewolf running full tilt into a teamfight is always good

Hecarim - Same as above

Teemo - Two words. Dark Harvest.


Yasuo - Simple to learn, difficult to master. "Sometimes you just want to be a sword tornado"

Zed - Very dynamic gameplay with shadow clones

Ekko - Similar to above, with his ult.

Teemo - Bully lane and mushroom both brushes.


Kai'sa - Generally fun 'bob and weave' style gameplay

Jinx - Come on, it's Jinx.

Draven - Juggling axes is really fun.

Teemo - Blind.


Pyke - Support/Carry with stealth and an execute? Yes.

Rakan - His movement abilities make for interesting plays.

Teemo - Your wards explode.

about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Interject - Direct link

Originally posted by LeFiery

Ive never played teemo before but i usually always have trouble against a good one. Is he really that fun?

I think so. Besides the memes about him being a troll champ, his kit makes for some exciting and unexpected plays. There's something really satisfying about stealthing inside an enemy's base and backdooring once they've moved up lane.

about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Interject - Direct link

Originally posted by LeFiery

Would you say he's the trolliest champion in league?

I mean, Trundle is a literal troll.