Teemo - Besides being a massive troll, his stealth is really fun at times.
Yorick - Zombie Army!
Evelynn - Stealth is fun, and her playstyle is exciting.
Shaco - Same as above, however very challenging to master.
Warwick - fastboi werewolf running full tilt into a teamfight is always good
Hecarim - Same as above
Teemo - Two words. Dark Harvest.
Yasuo - Simple to learn, difficult to master. "Sometimes you just want to be a sword tornado"
Zed - Very dynamic gameplay with shadow clones
Ekko - Similar to above, with his ult.
Teemo - Bully lane and mushroom both brushes.
Kai'sa - Generally fun 'bob and weave' style gameplay
Jinx - Come on, it's Jinx.
Draven - Juggling axes is really fun.
Teemo - Blind.
Pyke - Support/Carry with stealth and an execute? Yes.
Rakan - His movement abilities make for interesting plays.
Teemo - Your wards explode.