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Riot August shared the upcoming Taliyah Mid-Scope Update, slated for patch 12.9.


(+) AoE Q, lower Q CD, Worked ground Q is STRONG, E is longer range and stuns dashers, significant usability improvements on P, W, and R

(-) Nerfs to burst damage and early roaming

Feedback welcome!

Taliyah mid-scope update

  • Stats: Armor: 20 >>> 18
  • HP: 531 >>> 500
  • MP/5: 9.34 + 85/lvl >>> 8 + 8/lvl
  • Mana: 425 >>> 470

P - early roaming down, usability up

  • OOC MS: 20%-45% by lvl 18 >>> 10/20/35/55% @ 1/9/12/15
  • Time before passive falls off away from walls: 1s >>> 2.5s
  • Fixed a bug where Taliyah could lose her passive permanently if she had a spell shield.

Q - CD down, Added AoE, Worked ground Q reworked to be significantly stronger, Damage down

  • NEW: now deals damage in an 175 radius Aoe
  • Damage: 70-170(+ 45AP) >>> 38-130(+ 5 AP)
  • Extra rock damage reduction: 50% >>> 60%
  • Max Q damage: 210-510(+1.35AP) >>> 98.8-338 (+1.3 AP)
  • Cooldown: 7-3 >>> 6.5-2.5
  • Cost: 50-90 >>> 60-80


  • NEW: Worked ground cast is a single hit boulder, hits in an 225 radius AoE, deals 2x damage (76-260(+1.0AP)) to the primary target, and slows everything hit by 30-50% for 2s
  • NEW: Worked ground cast has new VFX, SFX, animation, and icons.
  • Worked ground mana cost: 1 >>> 30
  • Worked ground min CD: 1s >>>.75s
  • NEW: Casting on worked ground consumes the worked ground
  • Worked Ground radius: 300 >>> 400
  • Worked Ground Duration: 25s >>> 30s
  • Worked ground size on Howling Abyss is now the same as summoners rift
  • Extra rock damage reduction on jungle monster: 25% >>> 60% (same as normal Q) NEW: Q deals 150% damage to monsters.
  • NEW: Will now continue to cast while Taliyah is in stasis
  • Fixed a bug where Worked Ground Q would sometimes not get the reduced cooldown

W - CD and mana cost down, Reliability up, Damage removed

  • Damage: 60-140(+ 4 AP) >>> REMOVED
  • Delay before knockup: .8 >>> .65
  • AoE radius: 200 >>> 225
  • Cooldown: 16-12 >>> 14-8
  • Mana cost: 70-110 >>> 60-0

E - Up-front damage, range, and duration up, Added a stun vs. dashes, detonation damage down, CD up

  • NEW: Mines stun enemies that dash through them for 1s
  • Up front damage: 50-150(+ 4AP) >>> 60-240(+6 AP)
  • Damage after 4s: 50-150(+ 4AP) >>> REMOVED
  • Detonation damage: 50-90(+ 3AP) >>> 25-105 (+ 3AP)
  • Damage reduction per mine: 15% >>> 25%
  • Max detonation damage: 155-279(+93AP) >>> 62.5-262.5 (+.75 AP)
  • Cooldown: 16-8 >>>16-12
  • Number of rows (range): 4 >>> 6
  • Mines per row (width): 6 >>> 4
  • Mine spawn delay between rows (effects how fast they go out): .1 >>> 17
  • Delay after cast time before first mine spawns: 1s >>> 0
  • Field duration: 4 >>> 5

R: Later range up, Usability up, added a leap off the wall, early range down

  • Range: 3000-6000 >>> 2500-6500
  • Damage no longer knocks Taliyah off her wall
  • NEW: Cannot cast within 3s of taking damage from an enemy champion or structure.
  • Moving jumps off the wall perpendicular to the direction of travel >>> Moving causes Taliyah to dash to the location she clicked, up to a maximum dash range.
  • Jump off dash range: 400 >>> 700
  • Jump off dash speed: 1000 >>> 1200
  • Jump off dash now has more forgiveness when attempting to dash through a wall.
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almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by TheLonelyLighthouse1

There are dozens of us!


almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Urffire

E only stuns if the enemy dashes, and she lost a lot of early game damage: Q, W and E too

Knockbacks still count as dashes, E will still detonate in combo with W and other allied knock effects (like ori ult!).

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Elden_Bonk

Ironic to have August being the one to announce this, when he has been the most vocal person against both Swain and Taliyah changes for years, always trying to say they were fine when no one wanted to come close to these piles of shit. Is he also the one in charge of this change? Would be even more ironic if so.

Glad that Riot has decided to get their heads out of their asses and listen to the feedback for these champs for once. Excited to see what they have in store for Aurelion Sol cause this and Swain changes are amazing.


almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by Elden_Bonk

Yup. He has been for years always negating every complaint people had about Swain and Taliyah, saying they were perfectly fine and good and that people just didn't want to play them (gee, I wonder why). It's the typical Riot HURR 50% WIN RATE THEREFORE GOOD IGNORE THE 0.0000000000000000000001% PICK RATE DURR. Dunno about r/taliyahmains but r/swainmains hates him and for good reason.
