Riot August shared the upcoming Taliyah Mid-Scope Update, slated for patch 12.9.
(+) AoE Q, lower Q CD, Worked ground Q is STRONG, E is longer range and stuns dashers, significant usability improvements on P, W, and R
(-) Nerfs to burst damage and early roaming
Feedback welcome!
Taliyah mid-scope update
- Stats: Armor: 20 >>> 18
- HP: 531 >>> 500
- MP/5: 9.34 + 85/lvl >>> 8 + 8/lvl
- Mana: 425 >>> 470
P - early roaming down, usability up
- OOC MS: 20%-45% by lvl 18 >>> 10/20/35/55% @ 1/9/12/15
- Time before passive falls off away from walls: 1s >>> 2.5s
- Fixed a bug where Taliyah could lose her passive permanently if she had a spell shield.
Q - CD down, Added AoE, Worked ground Q reworked to be significantly stronger, Damage down
- NEW: now deals damage in an 175 radius Aoe
- Damage: 70-170(+ 45AP) >>> 38-130(+ 5 AP)
- Extra rock damage reduction: 50% >>> 60%
- Max Q damage: 210-510(+1.35AP) >>> 98.8-338 (+1.3 AP)
- Cooldown: 7-3 >>> 6.5-2.5
- Cost: 50-90 >>> 60-80
- NEW: Worked ground cast is a single hit boulder, hits in an 225 radius AoE, deals 2x damage (76-260(+1.0AP)) to the primary target, and slows everything hit by 30-50% for 2s
- NEW: Worked ground cast has new VFX, SFX, animation, and icons.
- Worked ground mana cost: 1 >>> 30
- Worked ground min CD: 1s >>>.75s
- NEW: Casting on worked ground consumes the worked ground
- Worked Ground radius: 300 >>> 400
- Worked Ground Duration: 25s >>> 30s
- Worked ground size on Howling Abyss is now the same as summoners rift
- Extra rock damage reduction on jungle monster: 25% >>> 60% (same as normal Q) NEW: Q deals 150% damage to monsters.
- NEW: Will now continue to cast while Taliyah is in stasis
- Fixed a bug where Worked Ground Q would sometimes not get the reduced cooldown
W - CD and mana cost down, Reliability up, Damage removed
- Damage: 60-140(+ 4 AP) >>> REMOVED
- Delay before knockup: .8 >>> .65
- AoE radius: 200 >>> 225
- Cooldown: 16-12 >>> 14-8
- Mana cost: 70-110 >>> 60-0
E - Up-front damage, range, and duration up, Added a stun vs. dashes, detonation damage down, CD up
- NEW: Mines stun enemies that dash through them for 1s
- Up front damage: 50-150(+ 4AP) >>> 60-240(+6 AP)
- Damage after 4s: 50-150(+ 4AP) >>> REMOVED
- Detonation damage: 50-90(+ 3AP) >>> 25-105 (+ 3AP)
- Damage reduction per mine: 15% >>> 25%
- Max detonation damage: 155-279(+93AP) >>> 62.5-262.5 (+.75 AP)
- Cooldown: 16-8 >>>16-12
- Number of rows (range): 4 >>> 6
- Mines per row (width): 6 >>> 4
- Mine spawn delay between rows (effects how fast they go out): .1 >>> 17
- Delay after cast time before first mine spawns: 1s >>> 0
- Field duration: 4 >>> 5
R: Later range up, Usability up, added a leap off the wall, early range down
- Range: 3000-6000 >>> 2500-6500
- Damage no longer knocks Taliyah off her wall
- NEW: Cannot cast within 3s of taking damage from an enemy champion or structure.
- Moving jumps off the wall perpendicular to the direction of travel >>> Moving causes Taliyah to dash to the location she clicked, up to a maximum dash range.
- Jump off dash range: 400 >>> 700
- Jump off dash speed: 1000 >>> 1200
- Jump off dash now has more forgiveness when attempting to dash through a wall.