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My problems with healing reside in many of these point stated.

1) Healing should work like how Riot attempted to introduce Ability Haste. There should be a trade off. Like AH, the trade off should be in damage. Omnivamp/Lifesteal focused builds should do less damage.

2) A lot of healing gives the player the notion of a "fake outplay". Excessive healing rewards bad plays and players. Corrupting potion is a prime example, if healing incentivizes trades but at the same healing can make laning non-interactive, the pendulum is definitely swinging towards the non-interactive side.

3) One of the good changes this season is reducing the accessibility of AH and Mana. League's secret sauce is in the strategy not it's mindless spamming of abilities. On that note, free (runes) healing stats should be GREATLY reduced if not removed entirely.

These are some of my thoughts relative to healing in the game. Love posts like this as we get a chance to dive deep into the reasoning behind some of the changes the game undertakes.

Could talk for hours about systems relating to LoL!

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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link
  1. 100% agree that Sustain should be a tradeoff. We explored Goredrinker retaining the big heal and losing more combat stats, but felt like it also just was overtuned. In general, we think most sustain items are definitely giving up meaningful damage (Immortal Shielbow is a prime example), and we shipped changes to sharpen that.
  2. Agree that's the danger there.
  3. I think one of League's premier selling points is a lot of direct conflict, often through frequent exchange of ability usage and trading. I'd say this area is similarly an issue of balance, not principles - rune sustain should still be correctly costed, but it can exist in the system.
about 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by Choad_Warrior

One of the good changes this season is reducing the accessibility of AH and Mana. League's secret sauce is in the strategy not it's mindless spamming of abilities.

Then proceeds to release champs that have NO MANA and occasionally get AH from attack speed. Makes total sense! Except it f**king doesn't....

in 2020 and 2021, total of 6 new champs were released and 3 of them has no mana, and one of those has AS into AH scaling as well, so to clarify, getting rid of items that give mana nerfs a certain number of champions for sure, but definitely not the darlings like Yasuo, Yone, Riven, Sett or more recently Viego.

That's what the OP said, not what I said.

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by zUkUu

Ravenous Hunter gives MORE OMNIVAMP than most items in the game. Just compare how insane that is with other stats. That's like Alacrity giving 40% AS or Eyeball Collection 60 AD.

Want to nerf healing? Just remove ravenous hunter and make people have to ACTIVELY invest into omnivamp.

Ravenous is definitely powerful, but it also has the correct type of backloaded gating (getting a takedown on everyone) that lets us feel it is structurally healthy.

That said, there's some merit to the notion that it's just better than it's alternatives in that row. We're keeping an eye on it.

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by Hellioning

I'd also want to complain about it on ARAM. You can get a takedown on every single champion fairly easily there, especially if you have some sort of buff or heal spell you can cast on allies, and it is very annoying. It also doesn't help that most champions don't buy active items and the out of combat move speed matter less there, so there's really only two choices on that row.

Yeah I can see ARAM-specific tuning in place for Ravenous for sure.

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by Choad_Warrior

Actually yeah, he said it not you. I assumed it's just an excerpt for people who are not using twitter, but now I opened it and saw it's not even remotely close. Apologies for that.

On the other hand, what the issue I see is that while you clearly detail in your post on twitter what you see the problematic points are you still do nothing to outliers for patches now.

Also, can we just appreciate how Seraphine got to the point where she's banned for being obnoxious gameplay-wise (and generally broken) instead of literally everything else? What exactly was the idea there? You were the designer, you must have already gotten all the feedback. I really think that release was likely the biggest learning experience in the last like 5 years or so for you guys, since she was probably the only champ ever that was received in such an overwhelmingly negative way and also the only one that was hated for non-gameplay reasons. I'm actually curious about this and since you popped up here I might as well ask.

The Reddit community is infamously toxic and not particularly representative of our player base. There are few examples where this is more pronounced than Seraphine.