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JoJo was hyped up to be the the most talented player coming into the LCS at 17 and replacing Jizuke one of the best mids in LCS. In his first split he looked okay he excelled in lane but wasn't very consistent beyond that especially against the top teams. In playoffs he showed a lot of flexibility (Lucian top game) and looked as good as any of the mids he played against. Impact and Inspired were definitely the biggest performers from playoffs but Jojo going toe to toe with the best mids in NA was promising from a rookie.

Moving into MSI Jojo has been getting better and better and honestly is arguably their most consistent player the reason why I say he's exactly what NA needed he doesn't shy down from competition and he's playing against literally the most iconic mids in the game Caps, Faker, Xiaohu these are the goats of their regions. It's super inspiring to see him not get destroyed and actually look good even in the losses. Watching him play and listening to the narrative and trash talk surrounding the games he seems to just have the IT factor the same thing Damonte had but Jojo actually has the hands to back it up.


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over 2 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by Skarzer

For anyone who doesn't know, Fortnite is super mechanical, In a lot of ways more so than league. Example

just watching this video gave me carpal tunnel, wow