When we look at https://u.gg/lol/tier-list we can see that Pyke mid has the second highest spot on the tier list beaten just barely 54.68 for Janna top to 54.37 for Pyke mid Sona top is now also viable at 51.43. Pyke mid mains are hoping that all of you and the balance team don't notice what they all have in common regarding playstyle: abandon the lane and roam repeatedly. Pyke, Janna and Sona all end the gam with similar CS levels due to not actually bothering to CS.
Pyke mid mains are hoping this false flag support top operation will distract all of you from the fact they do the exact same thing, they just happen to ruin mid lane instead of top lane. Well were onto to you, you filthy Pyke mid players and we demand Pyke be kept out of mid lane. I'm summoning the security council of all normal mid and top lane mains, and everyone else who thinks laners should actually need to lane. Let's send them both back to bot lane where they belong.
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