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General reminder that many changes cannot be easily datamined, such as functionality changes or bugfixes, and are not always final.



  • has visual update
  • as collateral damage, her balance state has now been reverted to somewhere post-14.1 but pre-14.8
  • Q now deals its flat damage against structures (10-40 breakpoints 1-16 per attack)
  • P ghouls now deal x0.75 damage to monsters
    • does not apply to the maiden
    • also does not apply to the E leap attacks, but does to the E empowered followup attacks, i.e. a ghoul ends up incorrectly dealing x1.2 for the leap, then correctly dealing (x1.2 * x0.75 = x0.9) for the empowered attacks, then x0.75 after the E empower ends



Cappa Juice
  • price:  500g --> 300g
  • this is specifically the ARAM Cappa Juice, not the Arena one
  • unsure if this might be made available on SR for April Fools'


April Fools'

All of this stuff is kinda impossible to figure out fully but here's what's obvious

  • everything is themed around parties, dancing, and speed
  • there's a Disco Ball that lets you channel on it to dance and build up speed
  • Cloud Drake is replaced with Party Drake and the wind tunnels are now party zones (still give you speed)
  • killing the Party Drake grants your team each a Party Favor consumable that grants you "a pile of" gold and 1 skill point
  • Party Dragon Soul grants 30% MS toward nearby allies and grants AD and AP based on bonus MS
  • you can collect Shaco boxes, and every 10 collected grants a Small Party Favor consumable that grants gold
  • opening a Party Favor makes nearby ally minions "move 0.0000001% faster" and also sparkle (only visible to allies)
  • there appears to be some sort of scripted encounters with Garen and Shaco in the jungle?
  • there seems to be some counter for large minions "spared" with various callouts for it, seems some minions were "released" and you have to catch them?


Arena (Champions)

  • attack speed over 6.0 converted to bAD:  0.25% --> 70%
    • was somewhat sure the previous version was an off by 100 issue but couldn't really test, so I guess that confirms it
  • URF now also applies this new cap and conversion


Arena (Guests of Honor)

  • the following guests are now enabled for the round 2 vote:
    • Alistar:  the first time each team would be eliminated, set their health to 1 instead
    • Ambesesa:  make a sacrifice, reducing your health during combat for several rounds, and afterward gain a bonus augment based on the amount of health sacrified
      • this appears to work by providing you a choice of a silver, gold, or prismatic dummy augment that will then be replaced later
      • silver:  0% health reduction, augment replaced after 2 rounds
      • gold:  25% health reduction, augment replaced after 4 rounds
      • prismatic:  50% health reduction, augment replaced after 7 rounds
      • also I'm not sure if this reduction applies to health gained AFTER the sacrifice, as there's some tooltips that specify "sacrifice X% current health", e.g. it might be if you have 1000 health at the start then sacrifice 50% to put you at 500, but then gained 2000 health from an item or similar, you might end up at 2500 health ((1000 + 2000) - 500) rather than 1500 ((1000 + 2000) * 0.5)
    • Cassiopeia:  boots are sold and locked, and replace the boots round with a legendary item round
      • Cassiopeia was previously announced as a round 8 vote with the effect "each round, each team loses 5 health, this cannot eliminate teams"
    • Draven:  gain a bonus stat anvil whenever you start a hotstreak and every third win of a hotstreak, and increase the likelihood of higher-tier stat anvils
    • Katarina:  everyone gains 5 rerolls
  • the following guests are now enabled for the round 8 vote:
    • LeBlanc:  every 25s LeBlanc turns everyone invisible for 3s
    • Sahn-Uzal:  revives no longer occur


Arena (Augments)

  • adaptive force per curse stack:  1.0 --> 1.25
  • bHP per curse stack:  2.25 --> 3.0
Dual Wield
  • tAS amp:  +100% --> +50%
  • attacks no longer deal 35% less damage
  • attacking now fires a secondary bolt that deals 50% damage and applies onhits at 50% effectiveness
    • this seems to imply that your main attack's onhits are also no longer reduced
From Beginning to End
  • Dark Harvest damage per soul:  10 --> 20
  • Dark Harvest now starts with 8 souls per other augment you already had
Wisdom of Ages
  • if taken as your second augment, now grants +3 levels immediately instead of +1 level


Arena (Items)

  • can no longer buy more than one of the same juice at a time
    • really this just prevents you wasting money, you can still have all three active at once
  • does not apply to Cappa Juice
Hexbolt Companion
  • nearby ally range:  1000 --> 1200
Kinkou Jitte
  • weakpoint angle width:  110 degrees --> 90 degrees
Pyromancer's Cloak
  • reworked
  • old effects:
    • attack and spell hits apply a burn for (200-450 linear) magic damage over 3s (5s cooldown)
    • applying a burn creates a blaze
    • blazes burn enemies for (100 +60 per burn source) magic damage per second for 5s
    • while you are inside a blaze, gain (20% +4% per burn source) MS and (5% +2.5% per burn source) ovamp
  • new effects:
    • damaging champions creates a blaze (3s per-target cooldown)
    • applying a burn from an augment applies an additional stack
    • blazes burn enemies (values unchanged)
    • while you are inside a blaze, gain MS (values unchanged) and heal (50 +25 per burn source) per second
External link →

The Yone change is missing a line:

Yone E no longer cleanses crowd control upon returning. He's still Unstoppable during the return.

Originally posted by Thirdatarian

So re: Zoe matchup, this means that he doesn't instantly cleanse the Drowsy just by going into his E and back out, he would only ignore falling Asleep during the snap back if he timed it right? Sounds huge to me as a Zoe player.

Pretty sure that still happens lol sorry Zoe Player