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From Riot Meddler in the latest /dev diary thread:

"One thing that we missed from the video I figure might also be of interest coming in patch 13.4 is that we'll be increasing LP gains/losses, from an average of 15 to an average of 22. Should get people to appropriate ranks faster. We're making the change based off feedback received and because we'll have two seasons in ranked this year instead of just one like we used to, so doesn't seem appropriate to stick with the same tunings."

This is a big change that I'm sure many of us are very happy to see. Should make the climb easier for people able to maintain decent winrates. This hopefully will make the ranked journey feel a little less grindy and require fewer games for people to achieve their goals.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

how is this going to impact ranked inflation, sounds like this will massively increase the % of people in each tier.

Not to mention master tier is -already- way too inflated (had 10k people in last season) for being a supposed "apex" tier with the daily decay needed

This will only let people get to the place they were going to end up more quickly, it doesn't change anything about the interaction between MMR & rank. In other words, your MMR needs to be at a certain amount to be able sustain a given rank, so it shouldn't be inflationary in the sense of people inauthentically being at a rank.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

so people are also gaining and losing more mmr per game now? Might seem like an obvious question but without that people would end up straight back to +14 for a win pretty quickly after a win streak boosting lp above mmr

No, no changes to the MMR system. So you're right and that's intentional, in order to sustain a rank in our system your MMR needs to be at that rank's level.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by TxksDQZN

Does this mean u can get like over 30 lp with good mmr


about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

hmm isn't that a bit of a placebo change overall then for climbing, not that I don't think the majority of the playerbase are a bit stupid when it comes to blaming anything outside their skill for their rank.

Is the focus just for people who play very rarely to get back to their pre reset rank quicker?

You'll overall climb faster to the level of your MMR, and then we want ranked to be more of a journey with ups and downs where you can make progress (in either direction) in a good or bad session instead of being kinda stuck in the mud where nothing much happens and your LP/rank doesn't move much at all. So if you're a Gold 3 player who might be hovering at that level today, maybe after this change you'll more frequently oscillate to Gold 4 and Gold 2.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by sogeking111

Does that mean everyone will get rank inflated?

Ranks will go up faster if you're winning certainly, they'll also go down faster if you're losing. This is about people getting to a representative of their skill rank faster, not about inflation

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Cucumberino

One question, it seems to be that since LP gains changed a few seasons ago, when you win many games in a row, your mmr climbs slower than your rank/lp gain, making you win less LP the more you climb, which makes it really frustrating to see when you have 20 wins more than losses yet your gains are shit. That said, the opposite happens when you lose, making you win more LP after a loss streak. Why does this happens? Is this intentional? It seems to only get fixed if you get through promos to another tier or just getting stuck after climbing until it evens up back again. This change in gains was hotfixed because it was absurdly broken, but now it still feels broken, just slightly so people don't complain as much.

I think that this makes it really frustrating, because for example, you might get a winstreak in Diamond 4, playing with people in your rank/mmr, and get to Diamond 2 eventually. These games in D2, you will have low LP gains and play with people in Diamond 3. People will prefer playing with people in D2 since the skill gap is not significant enough to justify worse gains because you're playing with people in just the lower rank. I think ranked would feel much more rewarding if this was just fixed. Will make it harder to climb after a loss streak since the opposite happens when you lose, but I think it's well worth it and I don't understand why this happens at all.

I assume this change just increases the LP amounts but this system is still in place so you can still win a few games in a row and start getting +20 -24 for example.

MMR does move more slowly than visible rank, yes. So when the season resets and your rank is far below your MMR, it will move very quickly to catch up, and gains flatten as you approach equilibrium. Conversely, when you lose a lot, your MMR doesn't fall as fast as your rank does so you get a bit of a boost to recoup some of those losses.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Dracoknight256

How does that work with matchmaking variance? Can't put it in the words so here's a theoretical example:

Assume I am 1250 MMR and I matchmake in a lobby range of 1200-1300. Is there a difference if I keep winning in 1200mmr lobbies and losing in 1300mmr lobbies and the other way around(winning in 1300mmr lobbies losing in 1200mmr lobbies)?

Also, back in season 11 I ran into a situation when with 53% WR in over 200 games I was consistently(as in from like game 20? to game 200) losing more LP than I gained. How does that even happen?

To the first question yeah there could be, MMR gain and loss on a per-game basis can be affected by the MMRs of the other players in that game and how likely we think it is you'll win or lose - we matchmake as close to 50% as possible every time, but if you win a match we assessed was a 49% chance for you to win you'd gain more MMR than if you won a match we assessed had a 51% chance of your victory.

For your second question it's really hard to say without knowing more about your account or being able to trace your ranked journey, sorry.