One question, it seems to be that since LP gains changed a few seasons ago, when you win many games in a row, your mmr climbs slower than your rank/lp gain, making you win less LP the more you climb, which makes it really frustrating to see when you have 20 wins more than losses yet your gains are shit. That said, the opposite happens when you lose, making you win more LP after a loss streak. Why does this happens? Is this intentional? It seems to only get fixed if you get through promos to another tier or just getting stuck after climbing until it evens up back again. This change in gains was hotfixed because it was absurdly broken, but now it still feels broken, just slightly so people don't complain as much.
I think that this makes it really frustrating, because for example, you might get a winstreak in Diamond 4, playing with people in your rank/mmr, and get to Diamond 2 eventually. These games in D2, you will have low LP gains and play with people in Diamond 3. People will prefer playing with people in D2 since the skill gap is not significant enough to justify worse gains because you're playing with people in just the lower rank. I think ranked would feel much more rewarding if this was just fixed. Will make it harder to climb after a loss streak since the opposite happens when you lose, but I think it's well worth it and I don't understand why this happens at all.
I assume this change just increases the LP amounts but this system is still in place so you can still win a few games in a row and start getting +20 -24 for example.