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" We’re working to bounce back from the Social Engineering attack, but unfortunately Patch 13.3 will be delayed. We’ll post details back here once we have a good understanding of when we’ll be able to roll out the patch. We apologize for the inconvenience and want to thank you once again for your patience as we work through these unprecedented circumstances. Thank you! "

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about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by yukine95

Why is Annie listed under nerfs if it’s a buff?

Oops yes that should be a buff

about 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by A_Planeswalker

Great bug fixes!

Ty ty, big effort from everyone involved

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Soren59

My issue is that the reason they gave for pulling the passive buff was they didn't want damage creep. Why would you keep the ratio buffs then while nerfing his survivability??

It wasn't fear of damage creep. It was fear of this being too much power.

I want Q+E AP scaling to actually be good and I want Q max to be good (it's currently his worst max and what most players in low MMR do).

Your "obvious" max being bad is a really, bad thing IMO. There used to be a more complicated changelist, but I pared it down over worries of the message getting lost.

Ultimately, Q and E have cooldown incentives, plus the increased Q damage on rank-up, so with the base damage functionally getting increased via soul scaling, that should help those being worth the points.

Lantern nerf is mostly because of concerns of too much power, though again, I'd rather reshape the abilities somewhat to make Q>E>W a generically good skill order, which it currently isn't.

Anyways, circling back to Thresh in the first place, I think he's mostly a damage champion. Making him threatening against no-peel bot lanes is important and hopefully that is true with these changes.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by thehoghunter

Top winrates in supp plat+ are currently: Taric(53), Amumu(53), Zac(53), Maokai(53), Rell(52.5), Sona(52.5), Blitzcrank(52.5), Zyra(52), Rakan(52), Velkoz(52), Renata(51.5), Bard(51.5). Pyke is sitting at 7% pick rate with a 51% winrate and would have been hotfix nerfed if anything resembling the planned buffs had made it into the patch. Leona is sitting at a 5% pick rate with a 50.5% winrate.

Play rate actually worsens your argument, the top 10 win rate champs with the highest pick rates are Blitz, Rakan, and Amumu.

Not seeing a super clear poke/enchanter meta here.

The problem with your analysis is that you're not looking at total play presence. Ranged supports outnumber melee supports in total pickrate about 2:1. The overall resting winrate of all melee vs ranged supports is within about 0.5% of each other.

Solo queue is mostly fine in all ranks, but it's really enchanter heavy at Masters+, which often closely follows the pro meta.

about 2 years ago - /u/Riot_Riru - Direct link

I'm working on getting a few updates included into the patch notes now, but sharing here while the webpage is getting update. Sorry about the typos all

  • Ahri VGU >>> Ahri ASU
  • Aurelion Sol number corrections
  • Lee Sin E
    • Total Damage: 100/130/160/190/220 (+100% bonus AD) >>> 35/65/95/125/155 (+100% total AD)
  • Nautilus W
    • Mana Cost: 80 >>> 60
  • Turret Damage
    • Turret Damage: 162-344 (0-14 minutes) >>> 182-350 (0-14 minutes)

EDIT: Previous tower damage was incorrect, updated and corrected.

about 2 years ago - /u/Riot_Riru - Direct link

Originally posted by Trinapsis

turret damage should be 162-344 > 182-350, right?
also, Thresh's new E ap scaling is missing. it says "75-215(+40%ap) > 75-215", without the 60%ap

thanks for your work!

You are correct, got this one in just in time. Thank you!