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/u/RiotJag tweeted:

Hi all, 11.19 is out and we have some early data already. Out of the 33 champions we changed, 27 hit their targets pretty cleanly. I'm here to talk about the other 6.

1) Fizz: we misjudged the magnitude of his adjustments and he’s been nerfed overall. He'll be getting a buff in 11.19.

2) Qiyana: we know this one is painful, but we believe in the direction and think this will be healthier for her long term. We're going to try to improve upon the E+Q logic for 11.19.

3) Renekton: he got hit quite hard. I can understand the difficulties that solo queue Renekton mains are having here - it can be really rough to have your champion nerfed for reasons that you will not experience. That being said, we have to be cautious compensating him as he has been pretty meta dominant in pro. We'll look for safe buffs for 11.19.

4) Soraka: this was a big buff. We may need to pull back, probably on the R healing, but we're unlikely to revert the change; we think it was right for her (for now, at least).

5) Singed: this was a big buff. We’re okay with this for now, but we’d like to see more games with him to confirm.

6) Varus: the nerf did not seem effective. We may have to hit him again in 11.19. Waiting for more data.

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over 3 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by popegonzo

4) Soraka: this was a big buff. We may need to pull back, probably on the R healing, but we're unlikely to revert the change; we think it was right for her (for now, at least).

5) Singed: this was a big buff. We’re okay with this for now, but we’d like to see more games with him to confirm.

This highlights just how huge GW is to the game - by not needing to build it, Singed is fast-tracked into bigger item-based powerspikes. By removing GW, even for a moment, Soraka's ability to influence a fight skyrockets.

I'd be really curious if the Gameplay Analysis Team has ever done a series of games where everyone has 40% GW by default for the whole game & see how it affects the game.

We have not done this specific test case (global grevious wounds), however my general hypothesis is that many champions' builds/rune selections/kits are tuned around phases of the game (early-mid game) being low grevious wounds density, resulting in proportionately longer fights. I imagine if we cut all healing, especially in those phases, by ~half, some classes of champions would really struggle.